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February ProgBlog #2: it'll all be worth it in the end...right? Right?!

Tuesday, 14 February 2023 @ 8:38am
At least that’s what I keep telling myself as I’m internally screaming my way through laying out polygon feathers and thinking about how the curve/particle feathers were easier (even if I couldn’t get them to look nice) and there will be more experienced people than me out there facepalming and headdesking or both like why the bloody hell did you go and overcomplicate it like that for when you could have just done {some technique I don’t know about that does the same amount of work in less time with better results}.

January ProgBlog #3: this again

Tuesday, 24 January 2023 @ 12:06am
I really don’t like repeating work. As a result it was super easy for me to get distracted world building for a playtest of that system I made (it’s currently called Skill Monkey because the way I designed it, eventually long running characters will probably have a very long list of Skills). I decided on “notShadowrun” as the setting ie using something similar but different to the dystopian cyberpunk Shadowrun universe but also casually doing a lot of our own thing. Currently only 18yo and C are playing, and both have nicely provided some world building as well (which I kind of want to encourage with this type of game with this type of system, at least when I’m running them) or at least very good direction for their characters’ origins.

September ProgBlog #1

Monday, 5 September 2022 @ 11:10pm
The completionist in me is somewhat annoyed that I didn’t get the September Powerbee. I must have done it too early in the morning or something stupid like that (I did it around the same time as I usually do but my “around” tends to be an hour or so). Oh well. My parents have been over and seem to have decided to do a lot of tours this time round (probably because an uncle and his family are also over), and invited us out on a number of them. It’s been great because it’s stuff we either haven’t done for a few years or may not have had an opportunity to do so, and hopefully we’ve crammed enough stuff in to make up for the last couple of months.

August ProgBlog #3: particle feathers and hair, oh my

Monday, 22 August 2022 @ 10:40pm
I think I’ve finished the first light and shadow layers for the Eladrin. It went pretty quick, I don’t know how long it actually took as while Toolsday is the day for it, there was a bit going on. I was talking to Sprat about having difficulty with feathers (because I’m trying to do Zara’s head feathers better) and that I didn’t have a feather generator. Then it occurred to me to see if one existed and apparently one does.

August ProgBlog #2: because I need more projects

Monday, 15 August 2022 @ 11:11pm
I really should stop trying to push to finish things before going to bed because the times that it has worked is probably still in the single digits. I decided to postpone the progblog because I’ve been so out of it I really hadn’t gotten a lot of work done, partly because I just didn’t look at my schedule and partly because I managed to simultaneously not know what day it was and know what day it was because of who had to be where by when. All I had to show was stuff that has been seen before quite recently.

August ProgBlog #1: the plod of eternal slow

Tuesday, 2 August 2022 @ 4:20pm
This week has been thoroughly boring as far as progress goes. Even the progress I made on roleplaying notes felt pretty meh. The uv maps were so horribly borked that I decided I was just going to bite it and redo the sculpt (which is a comparatively easy thing to do). While I was there I noted that some fixes which I thought I’d done with the base model hadn’t actually been done, so decided I would actually do all the fixes on the base model that I was supposed to do, including applying basic textures, which is another thing I thought I’d already done.

February ProgBlog #1: slightly less stuck

Monday, 14 February 2022 @ 9:44pm
Happy I Love You Day! I spent Thursday to Sunday not being able to concentrate on any one thing for any length of time and just incrementally advanced a lot of things instead. I don’t know whether I feel somewhat accomplished at getting some work done on a lot of things or deflated because nothing feels done “enough”, but it’s a known thing that my idea of “enough” is actually unrealistic (at least in the timeframes I’ve got).

January ProgBlog #4: slowly slowly

Monday, 31 January 2022 @ 3:49pm
I think the schedule is working so far, it’s just silly things like my general refusal to go to bed at a reasonable hour and general annoyances with youngest refusing to go to bed on time that’s throwing spanners in my works now, in the form of “can’t concentrate for the entire allocated time block”. Now occasionally weird things can happen in 3d either then I’m in the process of building something or when I walk away from a sculpt without really looking at where I stopped. So after last night’s work session I stopped at some point and went to bed and came back in the morning to

January ProgBlog #3: not quite there yet

Monday, 24 January 2022 @ 3:31pm
I’m still on an awkward “holiday” schedule (which is as similar as I could make it to the term schedule working around a holiday program that’s running at the moment). I’m still going to bed late and getting up early and really do have to nix that immediately because the memory issues are back in force and I have very definitely slowed down. I’ve been up late making sure roleplaying stuff is sorted out because that’s a thing that happens every weekend. And I also have to actually check CoD character sheets because I’m not familiar enough with the system yet to be able to glance and go yep looks right like I can with WoD.

January ProgBlog #2: reworked schedules

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 @ 4:23pm
There’s only multiple schedules because I have multiple people that I need to work with/around. With some assistance from sibling dearest which she started off for me like Spoiler: I have yet to be in bed before midnight x_x I ended up with something that I’m going to be testing and tweaking for a little while til I know what (if anything) needs adjusting or something changes enough to require changing up.