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Something about men

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] I read somewhere that the difference between men and women is that when women have the flu they say they have a cold and when men have a cold they say they have the flu. JJ has piked on me (it’s 9pm so I guess it’s getting close, we do pike somewhere between 10:30 and midnight depending on various factors).

Who woulda thunk it

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Woke up early today as JJ wanted to get to his exam early (as in leave at about 7:40 or so before rush hour even though the exam was at 9). I wasn’t going to come but seeing as I’d woken up anyway I figured (20mins before JJ decided he was going to leave of course) that I’d come along.

Yet more plans

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] This talking to JJ about less TV (specially when trying to get the boy to sleep) just does not work when JJ insists on watching TV o_O Going to Christmas Island in something like two weeks. Worked out that we’re going to have to utilise our remaining disposables that will fit him (that packet went a long way considering we got it when he was born and almost never got used) a couple of days before we leave and a couple of days before we come back so we can wash and dry all his nappies in preparation for our trip.


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Tiny’s started adding different noises to his repertoire (currently comprising of some adorable cooing noises, squeals, screeches and “ahgoo” and it’s variants). Strangely enough the most prominent sound is “bagua”. Which I realised after he’d been going “bababababababababa” with various intonations followed by “bua” then “gua”. Then he put it together, muttering “bagua” to himself.

Food Recognition

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Went to the markets today as we usually do on the weekend to get fruits and vegetables. Tiny (who had a spoonful of yoghurt yesterday) looked around at all the fruits and vegetables and started doing the chewing motion thing. He recognises edible things! I gave him a bit of banana that the owner of the stall we always go to gave us.

Continuum Concept

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] I finally got around to reading about The Continuum Concept (which I first encountered on the Alternative Baby board but never actually got the chance to read about. My chance came in the form of Tiny fussing, I took him to bed and fed him, and when he didn’t go to sleep I called for Josh to bring in my laptop.

He's keen

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Tiny’s been able to sit assisted since he was about three months old or so. He takes a keen interest in the world around him. He’s currently 4.5 months old and he’s been more and more assertively interested in this food thing that JJ and I keep eating, as opposed to just passively interested as he was before (when terrycat suggested we should just give him a tiny bit of apple juice to give him a taste and to which I responded he has the rest of his life to get tastes and now was not the time).


Quick updates while Tiny is asleep and just before I try to get on with a bit of work before going to bed myself: he’s rolling over front to back both ways (hasn’t worked out how to go from back to front yet) he commando-crawled forwards a little bit he likes being tossed up and down (well he likes the motion of being lifted up and dropped semi-rapidly, but he’s not tossed) he’s 8kg or so There was probably a whole pile of stuff that I wanted to write about but completely unsurprisingly they have all decided to run away and join the navy (or something equally drastic).


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] I would like to get that backyard sorted out so Tiny can have some nudiebum time out there (can ignore it if he makes a mess then rather than trying to clean it up in here with the carpets n all). At the moment the grass is in sad little patches and the rest is sand.

Rolypoly bub!

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Tiny rolled from front to back today! Of course I missed it. I put him down behind me on the floor on his tummy, turned to respond to Sprat and when i turned bacl he was directly under my chair on his back looking somewhat stunned. Then the tears coz the horrible cold metal support of the chair was touching his skin.