Tiny and the Egg
Thursday, 16 March 2006 @ 3:37pm
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[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Tiny was off in a corner playing by himself, so I took that opportunity to do a bit more hacking.
As I was hacking, I saw him out of the corner of my eye heading towards me carrying two of his board books. I turned to him with a big happy smile, happy that he was coming over, and he handed me his “Food” board book.
Tuesday, 14 March 2006 @ 11:22pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
If I got my dates wrong. According to Pregnancy Online week 6 brings on the morning sickness.
I’ve been feeling like crap for the past two. Nauseous, that is. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And of course Josh has morning classes, so it leaves me having to deal with a 1yo that just does what he does because he’s Teeny Tiny the Eternal Cuteness and I have to try not to get snarky with him because I feel like shit.
In tune
Thursday, 9 March 2006 @ 1:49pm
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Less stress helps a lot. I better finish what I can of the MARS site and palm it back, going to have enough to deal with as is.
I’m surprised and yet not by how in tune I am with myself. I can feel things moving around and developing, occasionally it gets uncomfortable but for the most part it’s just intrigueing. I should probably go make a doctor appointment and go get an ultrasound at some point. The morning sickness isn’t so bad, seeing as I’m not stressed about things. I seem to be getting familiar with this baby as well, a lot sooner than I did with Tiny. JJ reckons it’s probably coz I know what to look for now, he’s probably right. We had a slight scare as we were talking, thinking maybe I was a month further along than we thought, seeing as my last period was unusual. But I’m pretty sure there was enough blood there to warrant being a proper period.
Wednesday, 8 March 2006 @ 9:23am
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
I’m not sure how I really feel about additional kids. My parents don’t reeally care either way. Josh’s parents are convinced that we -need- to have another one so Tao has a “playmate”. There’s five cats and a dog and I’m sure he’ll have friends, he is a very easygoing and friendly little guy, so I don’t see why he needs a playmate. I don’t want any more kids, but if I get knocked up and there is one in there, I don’t want it to go away, coz then I would feel like I killed it because I rejected it. I’m so confused. I guess I don’t mind getting pregnant again. I feel kinda bad though, coz there’s all these people trying so hard to get babies and not getting them and we were trying so hard to not get a baby. Ehh, shit happens, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. On the one hand I would prefer for Tao to have been past the toddler years so he could have our full attention then, on the other hand, if it’s going to happen, better it happens soon so Steve, Josh and I are travelling with a 5yo and a 3yo rather than a 5yo and a baby. Nappies add another bag to your luggage, coz I will not handle disposables. They give me rashes.
Cute Tiny photos
Tuesday, 7 March 2006 @ 5:22pm
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[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Not really much to report. We found out that Tiny knows that sticks can be limb extensions, we caught him trying to play with the light switch with a hockey stick (seeing as he can’t actually reach the light switch, being short).
He’s having a really long nap, probably because he missed most of his afternoon one. JJ is also having a really long nap. I feel really, really, really blah.
Cute stuff
Monday, 27 February 2006 @ 12:36pm
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In the order I remember it in :P
When JJ had gone off on one of his site visits, Tiny got hold of my mobile and toddled off, holding the phone behind his head (coz that’s how you talk on the phone) and said “Daddy?” I would have called JJ but he was in the site visit at the time :)
Aww he's growing up
Saturday, 11 February 2006 @ 8:59am
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Haven’t posted for a month. Okay, so it’s been a combination of me being slack, me doing other things and me running after a very intelligent and very curious little monkeyrat :)
Tiny’s managed to work out his Tupperware shape sorter, though he can only handle 3-4 shapes out at a time to put back in, if you take all of them out he gets all happy and scatters them to the far reaches of the room. If he can’t figure out where a shape goes, he tries the next best match, or just shoves it where it will fit on the off chance it goes in (which it never does).
12 Months of Tiny
Thursday, 29 December 2005 @ 4:40pm
Holy hell, we’ve been parents for nearly a year O_O To commemorate the cuteness, I’ve picked one (you have no idea how bloody hard that was) photo from each month of his life thus far and present you with:
In the first month of Tiny, we knew we were never going to let him go, and a lot of this happened ;)
And back again
Tuesday, 27 December 2005 @ 6:24pm
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[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Christmas Eve Eve Packed while waiting for aurickandrien to arrive early in the morning. No, we don’t leave anything to the last minute, really. We’re all like highly organised and stuff :P Went to the Freo markets to get veges for aurickandrien and veges to take to Jurien. Bought Tiny a pair of Stompers (soft soled little boots with “Stompers” written on the back of them, his first shoes :) aurickandrien had to run off after a while as he had an appointment in Perth, and we continued shopping around. Bought a sign for JJ’s grandmother whom we were staying with, got fruit n veges, went home. Stuffed stuff into car, said goodbye and cuddled with the kittikitties, loaded dog and baby into car, headed off.
The Day Approaches
Wednesday, 21 December 2005 @ 4:08pm
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In not long, JJ and I will have been parents for a whole year o_O
As expected, the little one has been keeping me on my toes. Not a bad thing really, and I’ve been enjoying it so far, in spite of people telling me how much I’m going to have to watch out etc. He toddles around oh so cutely with his arms out for balance in stereotypical baby fashion. His favourite games are peekaboo and to toddle at me as fast as he can with his arms stretched out and collapse giggling into my arms :)