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Happy birthday Sprat!

A little something for my favourite sibling’s birthday.

I wanted to colour it but I left it late because I’m clever like that XD

So my car got broken into the other day...

To avoid the incident happening I shouldn’t have stayed for adult gym, but then the kids wouldn’t have gotten the things they got. And I think the only reason we caught him to to begin with was because I was actually in a hurry to leave, usually we all stand around chitchatting for 5-10mins before scattering to the four winds.


Why didn’t you knock the guy out/beat him up?

I had every intention of disabling the guy and then calling the cops. But logic brain kicked in as I was approaching and gave him some warning (“OI!”) and continued grappling with the rest of the brain which was still following through with the original plan when he completely failed to notice I was coming (I wasn’t even being quiet). Eventually logic brain pointed out that because I was that mad, “disabling” could mean “submission pin” or it could mean “is going to end up with a concussion” or it could mean “all the limbs are broken possibly a few times”, and I probably wouldn’t remember at what point that happened, and I don’t have time for the kind of trouble that could get me into.

fyn & Sprat's Magnificent Melbourne Misadventures

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there were two siblings, fyn and Sprat.

super stupid cartoony fyn and Sprat

please don’t expect consistency with the silly sketchies

fyn had been having a bit of a difficult time, and Sprat decided that they needed to bugger off on a holiday together as the last time they had done that had been when they were school-aged and jetsetting about with their parents. fyn and Sprat had a 99 year old grandmother who lived with some other relatives in Melbourne, and as fyn hadn’t seen her since her 90th birthday, Sprat decided that would make for the perfect holiday.

Happy New Year!

Farewell 2017, happy 2018!

I did my usual and had a drink while 3d-ing. I probably should have taken a photo of the drink for the benefit of the steem crowd but didn’t. JJ piked out but the kids stayed up with me (probably for the novelty of staying up til midnight as 8yo’s bedtime is 8, and the big two at 9:30). Despite procrastinating for pretty much the entire day I managed to finally close the retopo and have started painting.

The real reason why J wears headphones all the time...

…is so he doesn’t have to listen to my inane rambling XD

So he’s over at the table minding his own business, listening to whatever it is he’s listening to while opening boosters and sorting and sleeving Magic cards (sometimes audiobooks, sometimes podcasts, sometimes footy games, sometimes music), and I’m working on detailing this thing:

dragon tattoo drawing wip

when I idly wonder out loud: “I wonder if Asian dragons ever have spinal problems.”

Bees have ants

11yo: the drones are the male bees. They sit around and eat honey, then they mate and die.
7yo: don’t they store honey?
11yo: the drones are the ones with wings.
7yo: some bees don’t have wings? O_o
11yo: OH! I was thinking about ants XD
7yo: bees have ants? o_O

Wacom Cintiq Companion Hybrid/13HD and associated app settings on Ubuntu Studio 16.04LTS

Downloading all the things

Add the repository for Gnome Pie Menu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simonschneegans/testing 
sudo apt-get update

Download helper utilities:

sudo apt-get install easystroke wmctrl xdotool gnome-pie

Download apps:

3d Coat is a proprietary product. Ubuntu Studio ships with a version of Blender and Krita but they lag at least a version behind. The shipped versions may well do the job (and be easier to upgrade) unless you specifically need something in a newer version or just like being on the latest version of everything. I stashed all of these in /usr/local as that’s on its own partition on the ssd. My home directory is on a 2Tb not-ssd. I don’t know if that’s “right and proper” for Linux but everything works, I know where it is and it theoretically shouldn’t get hosed if Ubuntu explodes and requires a complete reinstall so I don’t care.

Octopus musings

7yo: do you know how an octopus would open a nut?
JJ: how?
7yo: the same way it opens a clam. AND YOUR SKULL.


Me: oh it’s a cthulu
6yo: a what lu?
Me: cthulu. Can you say cthulu?
6yo: kafulu!

There was a very cute broad grin that accompanied the attempt. Near enough is good enough for now, even I have trouble saying it XD


According to 6yo 2d shapes have “whip” and “lengf” and 3d shapes have “whip, lengf and dep”.