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Broken Record!

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Smidge broke her record of 6 steps today by taking 8. 2 of the steps were after she turned a little. She was so pleased with herself she giggled, bounced on the spot which caused her to land on her bum but no matter, she clapped her tin hands together and continued giggling.

3 steps

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Smidge took three steps today! So cutely!

Then flopped over at crawled to daddy whom I had dragged out of bed to come see :)

That top tooth is coming through as well.

And Tiny’s reading and toilet training are progressing slowly (the former a bit faster than the latter and I’d prefer it the other way round :P) but apparently consistantly.

Thank you Wiz making Tiny's day XD

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We went to the footy today. Hung out with mother in law and kids while JJ and his dad went off to the corporate function they had tickets too. We had lunch, walked around the markets, MIL bought Tiny a blue blowup hand, we stopped in a photo studio and got the kids photos taken dressed up, then went to the game.

Photo post

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toddler on a swing

JJ pushing Tiny on a swing. He loves swings. Curly toddler toes are cute XD

kids in twin pram

The two of them in the twin pram.

Here comes a Smidge, walking walking...

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Very small small girl stood up yesterday. She’s been able to stand by herself for longer periods of time lately, but only after pulling up on something else. Yesterday she spent 5 minutes standing all by herself while gnawing on a banana with her two chompers.

JJ reckons she’ll be walking soon.

Price of Children and World Breastfeeding Week

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World Breastfeeding Week started yesterday and ends on the 7th. I am still breastfeeding Tiny (2.5) as well as Smidge (9 months).

Also gakked the following from Alternative Baby, from azure who got it off another blog. Thought it was cool.

This is just too good not to pass on; something absolutely positive for a change.I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It’s nice.

Tiny gems

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What are you doing in there?

The other day I got my first video call from JJ. I showed Tiny the phone and said “Hey Tiny, who’s that?”

He replied “I donno, that’s Daddy!” I’m not sure why he starts responses like that. Then speaking to JJ’s image on the screen, “Daddy what are you doing in there?”

Just cruising

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As of yesterday Smidge has been casually cruising along the couch. Oh dear.

The Beginning of the End of Gummysharkdom

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Smidge’s lower left incisor has broken through the gums. And of course I found out when she decided to teeth on my hand. It was due anyway, it had been lurking visibly just under her gums for about a week before it finally sprouted.

She’s crawling really well and has pulled up a few times, the first time on the bed rail on the bed, and a couple of times on the couch. She’s been trying to talk too, been making all sorts of cute noises. Today both JJ and I picked up something along the lines of “weaden dat book” which is Tiny pronounciation.


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Seems like my luck is stabilising again. Yay! Maybe it was karma biting me in the arse for daring to work too hard on stuff that isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things, well not to me anyway.

Yesterday I didn’t get quite get as much stuff done as I’d been planning on as Tiny randomly decided to have an early nap. Tha was fine, after he’d woken up we (finally!) ran Smidge’s conscientious objection form plus the two Famil Assistance Office forms in to the Medicare office in Freo. On the way home the 99 we were on terminated at the Murdoch PnR which meant we had to hang around for about ten minutes for the next one so we could go one more stop. The only reason I didn’t just walk it (would have taken about that long) was becaue of the construction work, I couldn’t see how to get out easily with the twin pram. The cranky bus driver on the terminating 99 thanked Tiny for “being good” when we got off which was a) sweet and b) slightly amusing considering Tiny had shrieked a couple of times on the bus due to being tired.