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"Sky fi"

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Recently JJ had the SciFi channel on Foxtel. I can’t remember now what it was we were watching on the SciFi channel, but Tiny looked at it, then looked at us and said quite confidently “Dat’s sky fi.”

Sky fi.

Most of the words he’s looked at to date have a hard “c” sound and neither of us have ever referred to it with that particular pronounciation. I have occasionally called it “sci fee” as it’s not “science fike-shun”.

The Toddler Bed

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

I am starting to think that maybe I should just get my act together, get the website that I’m intending to build for the kids up and running and either throw this thing in or get an rss feed up and running or something, considering how much I remember to update.

Tiny's observations

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

I’ve actually been posting more stuff on the baby board and forgetting about here, or intending to copy/paste here and not doing it. Maybe if I remember I’ll carry some stuff over. I should also start tagging entries, I still haven’t been able to find this entry I wanted to find for someone.


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

I have two nearly toilet trained children.

After a week or so of occasional accidents on the carpet or starting to go before stopping himself and then going to the toilet, Tiny is suddenly saying that he needs to go before he goes. There isn’t the biggest time buffer in the world but it’s plenty of time to get from wherever we are in the house to the toilet. I have no idea how we will fare out and about if he ever needs to go when we’re out but I have flat nappies (for wiping up messes), spare underwear and shorts in the backpack for him these days.

Moving and flowing

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Definitely on the up, and not as likely to slide, although that still happens every so often.

The other day (when? Who knows, I don’t usually make distinctions between days, just aware of the sun moving :P) something Tiny was doing was shitting me, JJ had denied him something and he was wailing and carrying on and complaining. I was getting irritated by his whinging as he’d been on and off all day, on and off the boob all day and I was feeling slightly short tempered.

Remus is a moon

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Copy-pasted from AB coz I’m lazy.

Very slightly creeped out by Tiny

An artist on Art is Murder submitted this image a day or so ago (I’ve lost track). Tiny spotted it and proclaimed it a “big tarp wemus!” I got the big and sharp and asked him to repeat the last word a few times. He kept repeating the sentence. So I said, “A big sharp remus?”

Getting it together?

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Right now, Tiny is playing with the playdoh set that was in his Wiggles showbag, and Smidge is falling asleep on the boob.

Make that, Smidge is in bed and Tiny is on the boob listening to “teepy baby moooozik”.

I do seem to go in cycles don’t I.

Sick kids

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Both of them.

Smidge, not so bad aside from a bad habit of leaking all over the place.

Tiny, well. As well as the runs, the cyst on his eye is infected and he’s getting a double whack for it, both an eye cream and oral antibiotics. He has a rash on his chest and is listless and lethargic.

With Confidence

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Smidge has been crawling a lot less, and walking a lot more. She still totters and toddles very cutely but the bipedal bit is happening with a lot more confidence. We walk around the shops a lot more. Smidge walks quite a way for a small girl. We did the same thing with Tiny which I think is why he seems to have more stamina than a lot of preschoolers I observe , although said preschoolers seem to have mothers with more to do than me so they get strapped in prams while the mums rush around getting errands done.

Tiny little bit...

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Tiny is at that age where he’s getting curious about bodies and observing fundamental differences about boys and girls, adults and children. Such as;

“Mummy has boobies, I don’t have boobies, Daddy doesn’t have boobies, Smidge doesn’t have boobies, Mummy has BIG boobies!”


“I have a little doodle. Daddy has a big doodle.”