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home education

Home Ed Program 2017

Straight off the bat, nobody likes doing bookwork, not even the primary homeschooling parent (that would be yours truly). I have the books mainly so I know what they’re technically supposed to be doing if they were at school (and it would be a handy syncing device should they ever decide to go to school or if I need to chuck them in there for whatever reason). So I’ll be getting English, Maths and Science books from my usual source for these things once I have money to do so.

December Homeschooling Miscellany

We didn’t get to do our Solstice Wreath this year due to a little more craziness than usual. But other stuff got done. 10yo figured out how to make fingerless gloves using her loomband loom and wool after watching a few Youtube videos: She has since either given this one to her best friend or made her best friend one and there has been a request to teach another homeschoolie how to make them.

November Homeschool Miscellany

We haven’t really made good use of our zoo passes this year. Hopefully this will be remedied next year. 10yo stole my phone to take a number of photos of things she considered cute and as we ventured into the Asian rainforest to see the Komodo dragon and the red panda it reminded me that there are a few sections we don’t get to very often and we should probably make the effort to go into them.

October Homeschool Miscellany

I spent most of October being out with shingles and a chest infection. JJ managed to take some time off work during the worst of it but after that he was juggling full time work, homeschooling and generally running the house so don’t think he really remembers specifics of any of the homeschooling stuff they did. Our bees swarmed, and made this nice ball that dangled off one of the fruit trees for a couple of days.

Bees have ants

11yo: the drones are the male bees. They sit around and eat honey, then they mate and die. 7yo: don’t they store honey? 11yo: the drones are the ones with wings. 7yo: some bees don’t have wings? O_o 11yo: OH! I was thinking about ants XD 7yo: bees have ants? o_O This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

September Homeschooling Miscellany

Apparently doing bookwork with Dad is much more interesting than doing the same bookwork with Mum. I have handed off 11yo to JJ for maths as he’s too advanced for me, so J has been teaching him physics and chemistry and other related things. They started off in the computer room, and then 9yo decided to join them doing English. As he was passing the computer room 7yo happened to look in, I told him not to go in there as they were doing bookwork and he decided then that he wanted to do bookwork too.

August Homeschooling Miscellany

There were a couple of birthdays this month which of course meant birthday cards had to be made. We welcomed a new baby cousin. And spent a fair bit of time with my parents who were visiting. 11yo made a peg sculpture. The highlight of the month was the PCYC gymnastics regionals which 9yo qualified for. She got gold on beam, silver on vault, bronze on floor and for the all-rounder, and 4th on bar.

July Homeschooling Miscellany

Right at the beginning of July we went to Melbourne for 4 days to visit my 97yo grandmother. While we were there we also went to check out the city and Mum decided that we may as well go and have our first snow experience seeing as we were there in winter, and generously paid for a private tour. On the first day we decided to go and check out the Melbourne Museum, as the kids love museums.

June Homeschooling Miscellany

As it turned out the other 7yo’s pre-soaked pea (near the green stick) hadn’t “drownded”, it had just been taking its sweet time sprouting. He’s been doing a pretty good job of remembering to water them every few days with little to no prompting/reminding. He also decided to do some of his iPad work with an added challenge, while “disguised” in the box he’d cut holes in to make a robot/box troll/etc kind of outfit for himself.

May Homeschooling Miscellany

11yo’s drawing of Sans from Undertale on the whiteboard JJ and 7yo playing Shadows Over Camelot. 11yo and 9yo are off frame waiting for their turn. I’m obviously taking the photo. The game is fun and a little bit involved and is cooperative rather than competitive (unless someone turns out to be the traitor!). SciTech did a class based on The Lorax and included experimenting with water saving crystals and making a paper pot.