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home education

Good day

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Had playgroup today. It’ws one of those nic days, warm in the sun but not hot, cool in the shade but not freezing. It was particularly nice today as Tiny had great fun playing with his friends, there are four of them including Tiny around the same age (3-5) and for almost the entire time they were playing together, who knows what but pirates and dinosaurs and sticks were involved.

P r e o

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Slowly I am getting back into the “unschooling” groove and our life is becoming happy again after a week of horror where Tiny and I were trying to adjust to his testosterone levels, with Smidge not sleeping and teething on top of that. It’s still trying at times as he is being extremely aggressive at the moment, I really need to play “the killing game” or do more kung fu with him, he’s always so much calmer afterwards.


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Tiny can do them now. Proper jigsaw puzzles, not the usual kiddie kind of match the cutout piece to the shape on the board. So they’re only 6 piece, but on the Bob the Builder website they not only click and lock into place when you put them with other right pieces, you can also rotate them and you don’t always start with them the right way up.

Unschooly crap

[imported from livejournal and backdated] You can learn a lot from doing not much. As most people know, I do 3d. I seem to know bits of geometry, crap I never would have picked up at school, mainly coz it was in the higher level maths class and I suck at maths. Currently I’m learning a little bit about Russian history (there’s a doco on sometime in the next fortnight that might be helpful) and researching titanium alloys.

Here comes a Smidge, walking walking...

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Very small small girl stood up yesterday. She’s been able to stand by herself for longer periods of time lately, but only after pulling up on something else. Yesterday she spent 5 minutes standing all by herself while gnawing on a banana with her two chompers. JJ reckons she’ll be walking soon.

Day 1

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] So far so good. Heather dropped off Jasper at about 9ish and hung around for half an hour to chat and make sure he settled, which he did pretty quickly. Tiny and Jasper played together mostly nicely, bar a few tantrums here and there coz Tiny wouldn’t do exactly what Jasper wanted or say things exactly as Jasper wanted them said and Jasper happened to have something Tiny decided that he wanted (mainly because he saw Jasper had it).


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] First day of having another child on boar tomorrow. Had Jasper and Will come round today, I anticpated a worst case scenario of lots of tantrums and fighting over toys and a best case scenario of everythibg meshing nicely. Guess which happened. The rest of the day sorted itself out with the kids playing happily.

Tiny gems

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] What are you doing in there? The other day I got my first video call from JJ. I showed Tiny the phone and said “Hey Tiny, who’s that?” He replied “I donno, that’s Daddy!” I’m not sure why he starts responses like that. Then speaking to JJ’s image on the screen, “Daddy what are you doing in there?


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Seems like my luck is stabilising again. Yay! Maybe it was karma biting me in the arse for daring to work too hard on stuff that isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things, well not to me anyway. Yesterday I didn’t get quite get as much stuff done as I’d been planning on as Tiny randomly decided to have an early nap.


[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Both kids enjoyed plagroup today. Smidge has been properly crawling for three days now. It’s adorable watching her crawl as her arm movements are so jerky, and she gets this ever so adorable look of determination on her face when she sees something she wants. At playgroup she found a piano xylophone and was balancing on three limbs while hammering keys with one hand, and being amazed by the sounds she was making.