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home education

Best laid plans

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Stuff to keep going Bookwork for pocket money was working out nicely (up to the point where it fell apart catastrophically from September while the dental work was being done and then again in December because of silly season). Been pinged for not doing literacy and numeracy every day again but none of us feel like bookworking it every single day and I honestly don’t know how much more literate and numerate I’m supposed to be getting after reading every single night (they are read to and the big ones read passages aloud, more if we can get them to read more), voluntarily playing Reading Eggs, counting how much pocket money they’ve saved up and how much more they need for whatever it is they want to get and working out how many blocks they need to build this thing in Minecraft and other random bits and pieces that seem to magically crop up without too much deliberate intervention by me.

!schooling -0001 Jung 10-14 | 10-14 Sept 2012

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Maths Forgot 7yo already had a maths book so he’s continuing on with his old one. He got away with doing only one page instead of two as I also made him read the thing by himself which taxed him quite a lot as he was already a bit tired and we started later than we should have.

Socially acceptable !schooling: 3-7 Sept 2012

In which I once more attempt weekly updates on the homeschooling side of things. Going to see how I go just writing about the bookwork and if I remember to add the Other Stuff we do as I go (and I found out after reading the curriculum outlines that we actually do most of the stuff in the curriculum without making much effort to do it, wonder how long I can get away with that… :).

Homeschooling thought+photo dump

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Because I don’t blog it nearly as often as I should. 7yo’s reading is now well and truly away. He reads everything from street and shop signs that we’re passing to books. His current favourite book is his Pokemon Black & White Handbook that Sprat bought for him. It’s not unusual for him to wander around the house with it, have it open on his lap while watching tv, and sometimes he’ll be multiscreening, watching tv, playing Pokemon White on his DS and have the book open beside him for reference.

vi ma le crino lanme ("Where is the Green Sheep?" translated into lojban)

“Where is the Green Sheep” is a picture book by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek. It’s been a favourite for all three kids and it’s pretty easy (repetitive sentences with one-two word variations). In the interests of LOTE I decided to translate it into lojban for them. Unfortunately, I completely destroyed the lyrical rhyming thing while doing so. Happily it seemed like a mostly straightforward task (which means I’m slowly getting better or conversely I fubared it and don’t realise it yet).

Malay, lojban, and pocket money for bookwork

F=Faham (Photo credit: :Salihan) Not “versus” because it’s not a contest. Not really. I’m about to give up on my Malay Anki deck, mostly because it’s not ordered in a way that makes logical sense to me. I grew up hearing a lot of Malay, sadly I didn’t learn it formally because I couldn’t be bothered going to Malay school on Saturday mornings (I already went to school five days a week, why in the hell would I want to go on a sixth?

Fun with static electricity and other things

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Just randomly (and because they asked nicely), we decided to go down to the park at the end of the road on bladei (okay, fine, Thursday, to be followed up by a trip to City Farmers to stock up on roo meat and mutton, and more flea meds). The day was lovely, and of course I hadn’t brought the camera, missed out on some awesome shots.

Music session with Child's Play Music (and other things homeschooly)

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] The most recent session at Natural Learning Co-op (formerly known as Learning Hub, apparently there’s another group in the northern suburbs also called Learning Hub, and which I’ll probably shortern to the last word as I’m lazy like that) involved a music session with Alec from Child’s Play Music. He had a huge van full of musical instruments that he’d constructed mostly from recycled materials.

Life and !schooling in 2012

Apparently there was a bit of a kerfuffle in the moderator department, which meant I completely forgot about the moderation until the new moderator rocked up on my door towards the end of my work period. Oops. Fortunately I work from home and can make up hours easy, and I hadn’t gone out to pick up my shiny new computer yet, though I had gotten dressed to do so. So all she saw was that my place is a mess, which is about normal and I don’t clean up for anyone!

Massive Christmas Island photopost

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Everything that happened after the dangers of parking your ship next to a cliff, which I would have posted if my sites hadn’t been playing silly buggers. Everything is okay now, which means I’ll be posting about as much as I was inclined to post before. Weird looking spider Have I scared off the arachnophobes yet?