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Kludgy OBS scene switcher for linux

Edited 2017 Jan 7: made the scripts slightly more reliable (not relying on window ids) but they will now get extremely confused if there’s more than one instance of Blender open Because I’m not smart enough to get the MacOS version of the Automatic Scene Switching plugin for OBS Studio, I gumbied an easy manual one with bash scripts. So there’s some scenes set up in OBS like so: Set shortcuts for the scenes in OBS settings like so:

Strike a Pose!

Midnight decided to branch out into more action poses and came up with this pic of her character Dahlilah (link currently goes to a flat wip), apparently fending off some troublemakers who mistook her for a soft target after she had just left training. So I knocked out a quick sketch of Starzone for her to spar with when I needed a break from doing photobooks. Haven’t yet decided if I want to bring Starzone and co back in the sequel to the collab fanfic Mid and I were doing, and if I do if it should be as adults or their original teenage selves, so Starzi is her 17-19yo original self in this pic as that was easier on my brain.

Vaguely realistic vaporeon used DIVE!

My entry for JWiesner’s Great Pokemon Underwater Race. Version with background posted everywhere but dA because I think it looks better, transparent version on dA as that’s what’s required for the collab. As with the last one, not quite down to the wire, I lost a lot of time being sick for a month and then most of the time spent was in the render (there was a fair bit that went into retopo but purely because I’m not good at it and will probably need to redo it at some stage).

Before the Race II

Only just managed another Before the Race, and only because I took way too many shortcuts with Lyric (think I’m going to have to completely redo her whenever I get around to it). Unfortunately the shortcuts were necessary as I lost a month to unexpected sickness -_- (of the kind that quite literally flattens you) Here she is fitting in harness in preparation so he of course has to try to turn around and slobber all over her face because that’s what anything remotely dog-shaped does.

Realistic vaporeon works in progress

I wanted the texture to be like the viewport render, but it ended up being one glossy vaporeon. He’ll do. Working full time on this now to get it done by the deadline. I was doing really well til I got sick, stupid sickness XD On the bright side, I learned a fair bit about 3d Coat and going back and forth between it and Blender. This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.

3D Coat/Blender notes: Getting ptex textures from 3d Coat to Blender

tl;dr: bake the damn things. After painting, from the paint room go to Textures > Texture Baking Tool Fill in the stuff on the dialogue box as appropriate (I have no idea how correct my settings are, I tend to take a best guess with anything I don’t know :P) Export the model as a .dae, import into Blender. It seems to import as many Ptex materials as layers you used in the 3d Coat’s paint room.

Ingress wallpaper: hatfullofcats and PyjamaNinjas

When I first started playing Ingress, hatfullofcats was the first person to welcome me on board and drag me into the faction hangout, and also among the first of the local crew I met in real life. And after talking to them and their partner PyjamaNinjas for a while and seeing those names crop up semi-frequently in my scanner, my brain eventually developed characters for their igns because that’s what I do.


After Pokemon Go was officially released (with some very agonising teething problems), one of the other field testers/admins of the Western Australian Pokemon Go community I’d made the wapogologo for said it would be cool if there was a similar logo with the legendary birds (who are the official mascots for the three teams). So I made one using the same colour schemes as the eeveelutions. Next up, team logos/patches.

Works in progress

Because I’m failing at making proper progblogs due to having to slog through a massive backlog (which now has a severe dent in it, unfortunately I think I also made a dent in myself XD). Retopology of a chimaera in 3d Coat which I will rig in Blender and then draw over Ingress character wallpaper being worked on in Krita I changed the dimensions of the thumb and hand while affixing allulas which of course meant I had to adjust the layers.

Wacom Cintiq Companion Hybrid/13HD and associated app settings on Ubuntu Studio 16.04LTS

Downloading all the things Add the repository for Gnome Pie Menu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simonschneegans/testing sudo apt-get update Download helper utilities: sudo apt-get install easystroke wmctrl xdotool gnome-pie Download apps: Blender Krita 3d Coat 3d Coat is a proprietary product. Ubuntu Studio ships with a version of Blender and Krita but they lag at least a version behind. The shipped versions may well do the job (and be easier to upgrade) unless you specifically need something in a newer version or just like being on the latest version of everything.