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I Choose You: Pikachu!

Quickie because I spent most of the day playing PokemonTCG Online (I made a deck and play tested it, and had the computer crash, so then I started stress testing it by continuously playing and the computer started hanging more regularly, I think I have a ram issue so there is much memtesting in my near future, yay). Might do the other generation starters I picked or would have picked (because I didn’t play every single game, repetitive plot points were too repetitive even with allegedly exciting new storylines) if I’m not sure what else to do for sketchaday.

Stag leap 2

Little Miss Pixietrix liked both her pony version and Zara doing stag leaps so much that she asked for one of herself in a similar pose. I save the base poses I use so I just pulled it up in Blender again, adjusted the arms and hands, we found a camera angle that she liked and then I did this grumbling all the way through as I have trouble doing real people, everyone has to be turned into a character XD Anyway here is Pixietrix the human in her club leotard doing a move she won’t learn til level 6 or so I think.

Pixietrix as a pony

Went through the entirety of today tossing around ideas for sketchies while doing the usual things that I do. Got to the end of the day and 10yo and I had settled in to draw together (well she was drawing, I was 3d-ing) and I mentioned that I didn’t have any ideas for my sketchy today and she said “DRAW ME AS A PONY!” I asked “What’s your special talent?”

Small thank you for a good friend

Quick thank you sketch I scratched out for a very good friend of mine. We’ve been chatting constantly online for years and years now and haven’t actually met in person, but this didn’t stop him going above and beyond one night, staying up with me while I was having a meltdown over my failing computer system, helping me research problems with first Ubuntu and then Chakra, and finally recommending Manjaro and waiting around while I muddled my way through the install to make sure I would at least be able to go to bed having gotten the system operational.

One of those days

Even shadowshifters have those days :) These are actually quite relaxing. Motivating me to try for one a day again. I haven’t drawn Twilight in forever. The last things I posted of it were a picture Sprat drew and that I coloured in 2005: and prior to that it was the first thing I ever 3d modelled at least a year before the previous (yeh I can’t just start out with simple things like everyone else, sucker for punishment, and I mislabelled it as Nightshade which is another shadowshifter who ended up in a collab fanfic):

If I were a My Little Pony...

My special talent would be inexplicably injuring myself. I have no idea what I did to my toe when I took the kids to the playground but it hurts. It’s currently been strapped (made it up on the fly as I don’t actually know how to strap the end of a foot, and I hate it for the same reason that I hate wearing shoes and even the fact it’s making it hurt less isn’t making it any more tolerable).


Wallpaper inspired by @jedau’s novel A Day in the Clouds, specifically a scene in chapter 9 described thus: I concentrated my viento on my feet and catapulted myself into the stratosphere. I spun in place, trying to accumulate the heavy winds that blew high above. Although I made it concentrate in his hands and uplift him with spirally winds partly because it was fun and that’s how I’d done the pose originally (because that’s what was in my head) and mostly because it’s been a while since I read that chapter :S

Ingress wallpaper: Arkwright

Arkwright is probably one of the nicest people ever. And he also has single-handedly gadded about making big triangles, clearing swathes of the area and taking down jealousy guarded portals being franticly recharged by multipe people (or at least made everyone waste capsules of power cubes doing so). The short story of the thought process behind this character goes something like: Arkwright -> someone that builds/designs arks -> like Noah -> Christian mythology -> Knights Templar -> Protoss High Templar.

Sunday and Monday streaming

I’m usually streaming on Picarto on Sundays after 12 and Thursdays from 9am-3pm AWST, though lion dance season is coming up which may throw the Sunday streaming a bit. I did a random ~4hr stream today as the in-laws have a busy week this week and decided to come today rather than not coming at all because they’re awesome like that, working on an Ingress wallpaper: Yesterday I switched up between working on the Zul’jinn concept:

Our secret hiding spot

Alternate title: ill-gotten gains So there was this song. Which reminded me of something that turned out to be this old gif that my sister had made. And then this got stuck in my head and wouldn’t leave til I drew it out. The setup didn’t take too long. The sketch took maybe 5mins. The colouring took a lot longer XD Their secret hiding spot will have to be left up to the imagination partly because I tend not to do backgrounds for sketches and mostly because I know practically nothing about that universe.