
image link to hive image link to ko-fi


85% cat

Today I learned that my last “acceptable jpg” settings in Krita needed to be completely flipped to be acceptable now, and @goldenarms learned what happens when fyn gets triggered by random things in chat. Both the hard way of course XD So I did this super quick sketch: This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Art therapy

My cat Graymalkin died recently. She was 17 years old, and went peacefully curled up in the sun in one of her favourite sunning spots. From when she was a kitten she would snooze or just sit and chill on my lap whenever I was at my computer. She got me through uni and a bad breakup which had me running home to Christmas Island for a little while. If not for her I wouldn’t have gone back to Perth and would have ended up living a completely different life.


Redrew @stsl’s lead image in the style of MrSquiggle and Creativebot doing a happy dance by request I guess :) This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Mrsquiggle and creativebot doing happy dance

Another steem sketchy. The trigger was along the lines of seeing someone saying something like “he’s got his pencil pointed at msp-creativebot”. I needed to scroll up to see who “he” was before my brain did terrible things. Apparently the @mrsquiggle bot is helping out @msp-creativebot. How cute XD Still counting this as a sketch because the shading was quick as and I haven’t done lineart in the better part of 15 years.

Creativebot cannon

Once again, because odd things stick in my mind. 5-10min sketchy because of this. I’m so behind on steemlords comics XD This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Thursday stream - more High artbombed by Surf's Upgoat

Last Thursday stream as I’m switching to Fridays next week or so (whether I’ll manage next Friday is another thing as Sprat is up on holiday so we’ve been hanging). Decided to stream despite not having backup as I was going to be busy doing other things on the Friday when I did have backup so decided to continue working on @jedau and @randomli’s engagement present. I usually pay at least some attention to my chat clients while working and people were talking about surfing in the TeamAus channel on Discord.

Surf's upgoat

@scooter77 is one of the people that started the upgoat thing. He and some other people were in he TeamAus channel talking about surfing. I was streaming and working on the engagement present for @jedau and @randomli. Surfing upgoats got stuck in my head, and we know what happens when something gets stuck in my head (for those that don’t, if an idea gets stuck in my head, I have to draw/write it to evict it otherwise it’s ridiculously hard to do anything else).

Upgoat on an upboat

Because some of the people on the TeamAus Discord chat keep calling upvotes upboats and recently along came upgoats. This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

I Choose You: Treecko!

Wondered how long it would take me to start backsliding rapidly into realistic Pokemon tendencies. It was already an epic struggle with the last two (Pikachu and Chikorita) to keep it looking at least vaguely like it might be pokemon style. As I’ve been rather bereft of ideas lately here’s Treecko, the starter I would have chosen in Gen3. I have a bit of a soft spot for geckos. I think they’re cute, and there’s still a few living in or around my room on Christmas Island.

I Choose You: Chikorita!

10yo: CHIKORITA! :D Why’s its leaf glowing? me: Magic leaf. [thinking: mission accomplished] This one went a lot quicker than the Nereid sketch now that I know how the brush works. Doing the background takes FORRREEEEEEVVVVAAAAARRRRRRRR. Horrible, horrible lag. Turns out I can do some detail work with it (if I make the brush miniscule). Definitely not doing tattoos with it though, it will drive me insane. This is the starter I would have picked if I’d played Gen2.