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Water's Fine progblog #2

Last progblog I was starting to work on patterning the merminnows with help from my frenemy Google Image Search (for minnow and danio, I didn’t even know what a danio was until I started searching, but they are tiny and have interesting patterns). After about a million billion trillion years, the flats got done: And then about that again, light and shadow 1: Shadow1 was finished and light1 started during stream o’clock, and I started on shadow2 later on.

Water's Fine progblog #1

Got this request on Discord from @kubbyelizabeth: Happy to help out a steemate where I can, I agreed and asked her what she would like me to draw. The answer: and then when I asked when she needed it by, it was along the lines of “whenever it’s done”. Easiest client in the universe to work for! XD Steemit has this analogy with the steempower, where the plentiful new accounts with not much power (such as yours truly) are referred to as “minnows”, holders of more SP are called “dolphins” and so of course the people with stonking huge wallets are “whales”.

steem upgoat comment footer process

I was going to make a comment footer anyway (which turned out to be bigger than I thought on busy, couldn’t get Krita to resize it without things going stupid though) and decided to make a process video purely for testing out dtube and bitchute. DTube was a bit of a problem as I couldn’t figure out how to get it to recognise that I have a local ipfs node.

silvergoldbotty sketch ideas

Superquick sketch ideas for @silvergoldbotty (who is a bot). The first two are different types of retro android, the third one is a more humanoid android that will have gold hair and silver skin if it’s sitting on a gold stack and vice versa if it’s a silver stack, and will be sprinkling symbols of other currencies of upvotes or something. This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.

85% rat - ratticus

Like I could ever go past doing something like this without doing one of my favourite @ratticus XP I was trying to draw him being a chef flipping a pancake but apparently I had to draw him reading because that’s how it wanted to be drawn. I may have muffed the book perspective but I’m really happy with how the cute little rat paws turned out so there. This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.

85% dog - Gohba

Think this might be closer to 87-88%, but anyway. Last couple of weeks has been insane so work on this was very start/stop. But I usually get there in the end ;) This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

85% cat - artwatch

A request from @artwatch for an 85% cat with the appearance of her beloved Freckles. “Evil” and “creepy” were used in the description. The cat is called Freckles because he has two freckles on his nose but I wasn’t sure if they were only the actual nose (where I put them, you may have to squint) or on the muzzle in general. This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.

85% hare - choogirl

@choogirl likes the 85% cats but prefers dogs to cats. She is also vegan and does crossfit and yoga, and I drew her ChooXena character from steemlords as a rabbit. @choogirl is also badass and hares are so much more badass than rabbits. I mean if I saw a rabbit on the track I would keep walking, it would hop away. If I saw this thing on the track source

85% cat - Arlycat!

@bearone requested an 85% cat and sent a ref of “Cat 2” aka Fluffy. So here’s a short haired Arlycat leapfrogging a ball with the face of Arlybear (which was the first thing I drew her as back in the steemwars days so many moons ago XP). Also I think this one is a bit closer to 90% cat but who’s counting XD This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.

85% cat - KubbyElizabeth

@kubbyelizabeth wanted a cat with more pink so I made one with more pink and for some reason a pose I am utterly unfamiliar with o_O Another 85% cat with insanely long tail XD This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License