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The Witchies

Once upon a time, not so very long ago in the grand scheme, two of my friends and I got together in a group chat which apparently needed a name, so I called it “witchies” as there was a bit of the Triple Goddess vibe with our respective age gaps, at least partly influenced with how the director portrayed the three witches in a *Macbeth *I acted in way back at uni.

August ProgBlog #2: all the small things

An unbelievable amount of crazy has been happening. Comp season starting was just part of it (aka there went one weekend, spoiler alert 12yo did well). We’re now onto the last few tail feathers with the pink and purple. Close up of the middle feathers (which shows I need to cover more grey in the purple section!) Didn’t get as much visual stuff done as I wanted/probably should have mostly due to crazy and partly because I was doing a fair chunk of data entry which I can’t even screenie now as I’m catching up to myself and am currently in 1988AER which is when a lot of the stuff that triggers some of the main events in the current arc happens so too much spoilerific.

Scale issues

See what I have to put up with? See what my poor family have to put up with? XD I’m having scale issues in both senses of the word. For whatever reason, when importing a model from Blender, it’s microscopic in 3dC. What I did with Red was to just enlarge the model til it was big enough to work on, then send it back, where it was (strangely) way, way, way too big in Blender (I think he was close to 1km high before I resized him).

June ProgBlog #2: in the green

Finally got into the green section! The one and only downside to this is that the next section is the blue section and with it more legs. Everything has been all over the place lately mostly due to insomnia which is partially caused by the cold making my problem side hurt forever. Only in winter do I occasionally regret not moving up to the tropics like JJ kept saying we should.

June ProgBlog #1

Those tiny little leg scales are very fiddly and I have three and a half more legs and then pretty much the entire tail section still to go x_x The body scales are a lot easier! I’ve tested replacing the outline with a flat multiply layer and it didn’t look good and I also managed to lose some vibrancy (I’m actually using the same colours in each section, just the flats have no glossiness or metalness and the glossy bits do) so that idea went flying out the window.

May ProgBlog #2: I am STILL FALLING!

No progblog last week because I caught a “flu-like virus” and got a bonus chest infection. Not recommended. On the bright side, the first day I was finally able to work, it took only a couple of goes for my hand to suddenly decide it had finally figured out how to draw the scales and they got done relatively quickly compared to my previous struggles. The last bit of the tail took the longest as the scales obviously had to shrink with the body.

May ProgBlog #1: one step forward

Any given number of steps backwards. Even though I’d repeatedly told 10yo not to start the quest in Habitica til 12yo and I were back from our respective jaunts, apparently he couldn’t resist pressing the button. So after we’d died a few times (mostly thanks to me as I have the biggest lists) I finally managed to scrape some stuff together enough to start working through my todo list (which I haven’t updated outside of Trello but probably should).

External stressors

His skin stung and his ears echoed with a painful, high pitched noise that was taking its sweet time subsiding. Why? Why had he used self destruct? He didn’t want to look, but he had to know. Carefully, he opened his eyes. Blackness. His already rapidly beating heart attempted evacuation out of his mouth. Was he blind? Had he not shielded his face in time? Pinpricks of light seared his eyeballs, and thankfully the blackness lifted, revealing the impact crater the force of the explosion had left on the battlefield.

Pokemon: I Choose You!

A couple of years ago (eep!) I started doing sketchies of starter pokemon I either chose or would have chosen. Part of the reason was to keep trying to do this “warm up sketch” idea I kept reading about (it doesn’t seem to work for me) and another part was trying to post daily on steem (I failed, and given how tiring it was I started advising especially new artists to make a post schedule if they wanted to maintain some semblance of routine but not to try daily, and given how many people burned out trying I keep advising this).

October ProgBlog #4: cartwheels are harder than spins

And that’s pretty much the extent of this progblog XD This week has been pretty slow on all fronts. 9yo had a cold again so we couldn’t go out and do much, so we just chilled and reconnected, which of course meant not much work getting done. It also wasn’t helped by having to make a hundred million phone calls to government departments. I don’t do phones so it was exhausting and I had to go hide for a little while afterwards.