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AEfter Ragnarok

Family themed photos and miscellaneous ramblings

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

Yesterday, we went out for a drive. Christmas Island isn’t the biggest island in the world, if you point the car’s nose down the road and drive without stopping along any major track you’ll end up back where you started in about half an hour.

We went out in an exploratory mood and took many photos. Of course all the photos JJ took while we were out and about were with Kerchunk and nothing on Snap so there’s nothing I can post. We’ll just have to go out again and take more when the battery charger arrives.

New age, new year, not new resolutions, and photos

Happy new year everyone! gleki ninyna’anunsla if you speak lojban :)

Somehow, from somewhere, I have this 7 year old.

kids getting ready for cake

The Little Big Boy turned 7. He requested and got a chocolate cake which my mum made. It was very tasty. The “oldies” were commenting on how fast he turned 7. I’m trying to work out how he survived that long ;)

AR notes: mashing a calendar for AR

Seeing as I’ve decided to use lojban as the IAL for AEfter Ragnarok (easy way to facilitate communication between people who don’t speak the same language; all people are strongly encouraged to learn their own culture, language, traditions etc first and foremost), I figured maybe I should have a “culturally neutral” (or something to that effect) global calendar as well.

The calendar reform article on Wikipedia had a bunch of links to check out.

You're doing it wrong

Here was supposed to be yet another whingepost about how I’m doing everything wrong and there is now nothing that I “can” drop. So I’m going to see if I can somehow write myself into doing “it” right.

The computer room is a f***ing mess

There is more crap than there should be on the desk. Most of it is paper that needs to be filed or recycled, and I have just been too damn lazy to process them into the appropriate location.

Saved by the IK Booster again!

This time for the arm rigs.

'Blue' arm is using IK boost, 'red' arm still in default T-pose using the other rig

‘Blue’ arm is using IK boost, ‘red’ arm still in default T-pose using the other rig

The “blue” arm is using IK boost. The “red” arm is in default T pose still but is using the original rig which was modified from the leg rig (which works really well so far). The elbow directional on the arm just wasn’t working. I have ikstop on the collarbone and handles on the elbow and hand to make them that bit easier to see and grab. Need to remove the elbowD bone from the right hand rig (it’s the red bone pointing downward), reorganise the bone hierarchy and apply ikboost to that. Then have to associate all the sliders with the hand bones seeing as I won’t be needing the IK goal nulls anymore.

Lightwave3D notes: fixes for base characters + clothes notes

Many face tweaks.

3d diagram showing where the model face tweaks are and highlighting problem areas

The “entire area” vertex may pinch the mesh strangely with that many patches using it as a corner, but will have to see how I go with the face morphs. Also I’m stupid and the “moved outward” applies to the vertex above the one highlighted, I am too lazy to change the diagram.

ryivhnn v2

ryivhnn v2 with better results from the skin shader

Rapture and armageddon and all that are upon us, and as per usual JJ has taken the kids to 6yo’s Auskick game and I stayed home, trained the dogs (could have gone for another 5mins on top of what I did do but I got defeated by the cold) and ripped through an Anki session with a Lojban gismu deck. We know we’re not going anywhere.


Starzone is the mouse. Zara is the human. Zara uses “Starzone” as a callsign.

The original Starzone was a Biker Mice from Mars fan character done in the usual style of fan characters, she was way overpowered and Mary Sue and may have had stupid random flaws attached to not make her seem as overpowered and Mary Sue as she was. I redeveloped her a bit later and she turned out all right, though I never got around to publishing the fanfic with her and her coterie. I only roleplay her these days.

Work, Wannabe and other projects and a dash of unschooling

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

Firstly, what in the hell is with the life category?!

I’ve been (very slowly!) importing livejournal entries so I can replace missing photos. Very minor regret that I didn’t bother skimming through my shadowshifter livejournal before I deleted it as I probably had a few progress reports for my various projects kicking around on it, but oh well.

Gnarus concept - quick and dirty to play with the Cintiq

Done while I was testing out my new toy. This was actually done the first day I got said new toy (Wacom Cintiq 12WX which I will review later after I’ve used it a bit more), thought I better get over myself and just post, incomplete and dodgy looking notwithstanding :)

I’m too used to painting anthros, I gave him way too much fur. These are the “undercoat” layers, I hid the top coats. More therio, less anthro, so not so much fur! I think I need to start the fur over and work out how exactly I’m going to deal with it as he has a puffy tail.