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AEfter Ragnarok

Agonisingly simple shaders

Learning how to texture in Blender. Here we have agonisingly basic skin, lip, eye and teeth shaders (the teeth were so basic that if I’d been using Lightwave I wouldn’t have bothered with nodes but Blender seems to use nodes for anything more complicated than a colour it seems, which is cool). Should hopefully be able to build on them on a per character basis.

Blender Adventures Part 5a - quickie expression test

Base modedl frowning

At 8yo’s request: ‘Make him frown!’ (all the bases are gender neutral)

Base looking slightly puzzled

Seeing something mildly disturbing

Base surprised

Shock horror! I could have opened its mouth more but I was too lazy to go back to object mode to show the rig layer to be able to grab the jaw controller

Blender notes - resetting shape key value to basis

To get a point that was moved incorrectly for whatever reason in a shape key and needs to be reset to the “Basis” position, from Adhi on StackExchange:

Use Blend From Shape:

  1. Select all vertices whose positions you want to reset,
  2. Execute Blend From Shape, accessible from W, Ctrl-V or Mesh > Vertices menu,
  3. Set “Basis” as shape key to blend from (by default),
  4. Set blend factor to the maximum value 1.0 (by default),
  5. Uncheck Add, so only values from “Basis” will be blended in, effectively reverting all selected vertices’ position.

Kind of wish there was a slightly less arseabout way to do it but a way is better than no way.

Blender Adventures Part 5

Still shape keying. Base is partially amused.

Rubberlips can almost smile!

So far I’ve got all of a left eye wink and a half smile. Once I got the left half smile right and figure out where the eyelashes go I’ll mirror those shape keys and then do some really basic expression parts around happy, sad, angry and surprise which generally use the entire face. Then make some phonemes with help from this useful phoneme shape guide someone had thoughtfully thrown at the internet.

Naffing with Freestyle

Thought to do a quickie render rather than a screencap of the handstand splits, decided I couldn’t be bothered fixing the lights at this stage so ticked the “Freestyle” box and left it at default everything.

It’s pretty cool; I could almost pretend I know how to draw with this.

Vaguely related, grease pencil is the most useful thing ever put into a 3d app.

Blender Adventures Part 4

fyn can rig, though I’m sure I’m probably doing it horribly wrong. It’s a combination of rigging techniques learned in Lightwave and playing with the Armature modifier, with one tangent into using bendy bones (single bones with multiple segments) for the spine from the head down and then two bendy bones for neck and spine.

Scorpion handstand rig test

Had to put one more controller in to flex the spine in the right direction. The neck flexes one way (looking downward) fine but will not flex the other way (it’s jaggy in this pose, effects can be seen if you look carefully at the neck), adding another shape to control the flex like I did with the spine didn’t help and neither did my aforementioned tangent into bendy bones.

Yet more retopo

Head and torso retopology in Blender 2.71

Head and torso retopologising in Blender 2.71

Ended up poly modelling after all as Bsurfaces doesn’t work in Blender 2.71. Least it’s not too horrible with the magnet and the correct “snap to” thing on (it’s a picture of a magnet which is greyed out in the above screenies, next to the picture of the cube with one white face close to the bottom of the screen, don’t ask me the names of anything :). Though by “doesn’t work” it appears that it’s missing some buttons, I have no idea if it would continue working after those buttons were reinstated. I could probably read the code if I tried but otherwise don’t know enough python to hack it and apparently no one else that knows what they’re doing uses it enough to fix it. I guess I’ll look into it if I can find some of this mythological spare time stuff. The face loops are doing my head in. And the head is really dense compared to the torso (trying to console myself it’s because heads tend to be round, torsos just curvy and I have smoothing on so what I’ve got looks smooth enough). I’ll have to see if the face loops actually work when I get around to doing morphs (or shape keys, apparently). Hopefully I should be able to retopo sections if I need to as I really, really don’t want to do the inside of the mouth again (I thought last time would be the last time damnit!).

Head retopo

Alternate title: my Blender muscles are atrophying -_-

I had a lot of work on the last three weeks and have now slowed down as I put out a call for help a couple of days ago and now waiting on a response. In the meantime I’m slowing down back to normal and getting back into the 3d (no 3d for three weeks make bek something something). So three weeks ago after stuffing around with the rig I eventually came to the conclusion that the topology around the hips was wrong. After trying and failing to fix it by spinning edges, I decided to just retopo the whole thing because I wasn’t sure about the loops around the face either.


It’s moving at a frightening pace for me as I’m used to doing everything with excruciating slowness. I love bsurfaces. It is quite literally the thing that had me giving Blender a go again at that point (previously my Blender attempts were for a couple of weeks once or twice a year, end of last year was a last ditch “this thing is cool so why not let’s try it again” and that’s when I got it).

Blender Adventures Part 3

More Lightwave and Blender comparison

I was having a bad day yesterday and irritated because I couldn’t figure out Blender stuff quickly (on the bright side, thanks to Lightwave I at least have an idea of what I’m looking up) and told JJ that Blender was frustrating me and it was tempting to jump back into Lightwave but I didn’t want to give up yet because Blender had some stuff that Lightwave didn’t have like lattice deformation.