AEfter Ragnarok
Blind push hands
Thursday, 11 May 2017 @ 11:36pm
Super quickie sketch before bed (and because I’m late getting to bed again (which means I’ve once more failed at trying to get to bed early, really need to stop it with the bloody late nights! XD), no story with this one, sorry.
Zara and Dak playing blind push hands during one of their common training sessions. Zara is supposed to have her goggles around her neck but I forgot to draw them before I coloured the top. Oops.
Black Fingernails, Red Wine
Sunday, 30 April 2017 @ 11:16am
A prickle of nervousness crawled up Silver’s spine and settled at the nape of his neck as he followed Aurelius up the very familiar corridor towards one of The Geisha’s private rooms. He didn’t usually get nervous going into or even at meets. He was good at what he did and had an excellent track record for getting favourable outcomes for himself and his employer (not necessarily so much for the other party but that wasn’t really his problem).
Red WIP - very slowly getting there
Wednesday, 12 April 2017 @ 2:02pm
Felt like posting a quick screenie as I haven’t done a public wip for a while (there’s a couple on Patreon that are well before this stage). Still have to do his wings, hands, feet and tail but am pretty happy with how he turned out.
Because I’m nearing completion I’m getting that post-completion anxiety of IS IT GOOD ENOUGH? HAVE I MISSED ANYTHING? AM I GOING TO HATE IT AS SOON AS I CALL IT DONE?
Blinded by...steem?
Thursday, 30 March 2017 @ 10:40am
Ruby gasped as Quartz suddenly grabbed her by the neck and threw her onto the top of the crate like she weighed nothing. Well to him she probably didn’t.
“Don’t,” he growled warningly.
Ruby remained where she was, rubbing her neck and quietly catching her breath. Quartz looked away, simmering. Behind him the rest of the crew shifted uneasily as the immediate silence deepened uncomfortably. The ambient night life around them seemed to be of a different world, the “normal” world that all of them at least in this moment wished they were part of. The “normal” world was safe. Their immediate future contained more danger than they were used to.
Family time
Wednesday, 22 March 2017 @ 12:54pm
Ae’nur touched down a sensible distance from the water’s edge, watching with a smile as her exuberant eight year old son landed knee deep with a splash, flicking up a spray with wings and tail and giggling with delight. His hair was only just long enough to pull into a topknot like his father’s and he wore the pathetic little makeup brush with such pride. She had struggled not to laugh when she had done his hair and she struggled not to laugh now as she watched it fluffing about on the top of his head.
Black Fingernails wip
Thursday, 9 March 2017 @ 3:55pm
Worked on this the last couple of stream sessions, posted works in progress to Patreon and realised that I’ve been completely forgetting to post public wips (which is completely unsurprising as while I do post occasional works in progress they are occasional so it was actually pretty easy for me to forget with all the other stuff going on). I also wanted to show @jedau the kind of stuff that takes me forrrreeeeeeeeevvvaaaaaaarrrrrrrr XD
Crossbow Hailstorm 3
Friday, 24 February 2017 @ 12:03am
The young High Prince fled the conference room, the nightmarish chaos fading behind him, only to be replaced by pursuing wing beats. Tears blurred his vision. Zul’jinn normally loved flying through the open areas but now they were too open, there was nowhere to hide. Behind him he could just hear the sounds of crossbows arming up. How could this happen? I don’t want to die! He was barely aware of the nearby mewling sound, not really registering the fact that he was the source of it.
Pod ride
Thursday, 16 February 2017 @ 9:47pm
Unlike the silence of the pod, which was broken only by the pods own humming, Dakarai’s head was full of tumultuous, confused thoughts.
They’d looked. They’d kept looking. They hadn’t given up.
The last few days…or was it weeks? He wasn’t sure. Either way, it had been a seriously unpleasant blur.
He’d hurt Zara. He glanced sideways at her, perched nervously on the comfortably worn seat beside him. That had been the start of the downward spiral. They’d been training, he couldn’t understand the technique Juan was showing them. Zara picked up everything so easily. Frustration was normal, but then it had been intolerable. He hadn’t meant to hit her that hard. Then Juan had confronted him about his stim usage. Dakarai bristled slightly. Juan wasn’t his father, he didn’t have any right to tell him what to do.
Thursday, 9 February 2017 @ 1:12pm
There was that warning prickle in the air.
Tsa’run didn’t give any indication of noticing, glancing around with his eyes. This particular walkway was usually quiet at this time of day, and nothing seemed out of place.
Except for Es’tad stepping out suddenly in front of him, his impressive mohawk rippling slightly. Tsa’run faltered then, the ingrained habit to stop and greet his superior checked by a gut feeling. Sensing his uncertainty, Es’tad grinned with definite malice, then launched at him.
Zara sketchies
Monday, 30 January 2017 @ 10:51pm
Super quickie sketches of Zara, 10-11 years old doing gymnastics and probably 17 or close enough to as she is in the current block I’m working on practising a form or something. And the one in the middle because I like odd numbers and because I’m trying to work out how to convey expression with those bloody goggles covering half her face all the time!
Also, that ring hold was tough even with a base.