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AEfter Ragnarok

AER crowd character: Ninjaroo

Ninjaroo is thoroughly going to be his official nym.

I’ve recently decided to open my $10 Patreon tier to people on steem who regularly interact with me or are on the Team Australia and Be Awesome Discord channels. @aussieninja asked to be a ninja kangaroo, which meant lithe agile little gray wallaby. All ninjas wear headbands with medallions right? XD The ninja balaclava is down around his neck for the moment because I wanted to draw his face (I did originally have it up like he probably would do when playing parkour chasey).

Happy New Year!

Farewell 2017, happy 2018!

I did my usual and had a drink while 3d-ing. I probably should have taken a photo of the drink for the benefit of the steem crowd but didn’t. JJ piked out but the kids stayed up with me (probably for the novelty of staying up til midnight as 8yo’s bedtime is 8, and the big two at 9:30). Despite procrastinating for pretty much the entire day I managed to finally close the retopo and have started painting.

AER ProgBlog: more retopo and another character backstory piece

I was supposed to do this before Silly Season kicked all the way in and…well I’m in some downtime before it arcs up fully so here we go XD

Retopo is going slowly and painfully as per usual. I just have to finish the wings and then I can start painting, and hope that my retopo job isn’t completely crap and that he animates all right. Then after that I have to fix the rig and give him some hair and then maybe have a little fun while I work out who I’m doing next.

AER ProgBlog: retopo and storyboarding

Haven’t really had a chance to work much on this lately, always other things demanding attention (and apparently I’m not supposed to take time out of sleep to make up for it but that’s pretty much all I got left).

Tail retopo is driving me up the wall a little bit, I had quite a few goes before I got a mesh I’m vaguely happy with. What I wanted was to just draw the mesh and smoothe it later but apparently my lines were so terribly wonkered that I need to fix everything before I can proceed.

Stars Glow

Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you
Go see the world coz it’s all so brand new
Don’t close your eyes coz your future is ready to shine
It’s just a matter of time before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There’s something in the air you can’t deny…

Owl City: When Can I See You Again

Saving as a png ate my colours again. I really need a 16bit image format that browsers can understand.

Very late Thursday streaming!

This one is from last Thursday! A lot of stuff happened that prevented solid work on it so it ended up getting dragged out for the entire week! And then I didn’t stream this Thursday because other stuff had to happen. But we got there eventually! In this one I finish off High and continue working on Red. Digits are my nemesis (yes I have several of them).

Track list

Thursday stream - High

I started on an engagement present for @jedau on Wednesday, and decided to continue it on Thursday so of course it got streamed.

Did something slightly different, instead of just cutting a piece out of each track as usual, I axed anything that wasn’t sappy, upbeat, uplifting or didn’t have lyrics I could use and used slightly longer samples than otherwise. The first and last tracks are still the first and last tracks (and in fact the first track was the inspiration for the piece as well as what I thought of when I read Jed’s dramatised recount of the proposal to his girlfriend). The ending is rather abrupt because I was pretty tired by that point and my computer was playing silly buggers.

Aurelius quick concept

@jedau over on Steemit hive took a bit of a shine to Aurelius in the Black Fingernails Red Wine piece due to name similarities, and these gems came up in the course of our conversation:

Haha! Definitely make him look like a Quokka :D


Oh right!! They’re native to Australia haha! Man, I wish I had those things as pets haha! Maybe add in a scar across Aurelius left eye to give him that sort of intimidating presence. When people ask how he got it, he’ll think of some awesome story, when really it was because he slipped while getting a midnight snack and hit his face on the corner wall.

Thursday streaming

Who would have thought that editing a 6 hour video would take longer than a 3 hour one? Additionally I had some fun and drama with KDEnlive, apparently its annoying settings are per project; I had to specifically tell it to use most of my cores for rendering as it kept trying to use one and overheating my computer which caused it to hang and made me mad. And even after telling it to use 7 threads (so I could have one to do stuff with) as it turned out I had to just sit and let it do its thing all by itself as if I attempted to use my computer while it was rendering something would violently overheat and then the computer would hang.

Thursday streaming - now with a process video

This one’s especially for @jedau on Steemit hive who has made numerous requests for a process video. So here’s me retopologising Za’haran/Red like I know what I’m doing, 3hrs timelapsed into ~8.5mins (bonus: learned KDEnlive). I apologise if the flinging around in and outside the head I was doing gives anyone motion sickness. And who knew trying to credit everything I was listening to would take all day, might never do that one again XD