AEfter Ragnarok
Forest Fish
Tuesday, 6 March 2018 @ 1:24pm
Another fun one for VincentNijman, of him as a “forest fish”.& Pfft who am I kidding they’re all fun XD
So the keywords were “forest fish” and he also wanted his bespectacled face on it.& I’m not great at real people but gave it a shot, and also incorporated axolotl tail and feathery bits bcause that was the first thing that came to mind when we were talking about a fish that likes to go for long walks through the forest.& What we have here is a river giant Selkie, probably 2.5m tall give or take, who loves going for long walks in the jungley areas beside his river.& His eyes are better suited to underwater so he wears glasses when above.
AER March ProgBlog #1
Monday, 5 March 2018 @ 5:08pm
Lame excuse: I haven’t done a progblog forever because I got well and truly stuck redoing the prehensile tail rig, but I think I’ve fixed it now, and made it work (to some value of work) with the pitchipoy rig (the spline and its controllers are actually on their own rig, but the spline controllers are copying the location of some controllers that are on the pitchipoy rig with additional thingies to keep them from moving too far from each other, feels a bit convoluted but it works).
Maybe specify the action (nsfw inside)
Friday, 23 February 2018 @ 9:42pm
jedau requested an “action shot” of Aurelius. It may have also been a pencil sketch request but I was doing so many scribbly pen coloured ones I kind of got carried away. Oops :S
The nsfw one was actually the first one to jump into my gutter mind but after joking about it while trying to work out what kind of action shot Jed had in mind, I said I didn’t think I was ready for another one yet, and turned my attention to the first one.
AER crowd character: BMJbok
Friday, 16 February 2018 @ 10:33pm
Alternate title: Basketbok.
Why yes I can actually do portraits in portrait. It just required flipping numbers in my render settings and I am nothing if not incredibly lazy.
Everything that is remotely to do with a springbok now has the suffix -bok. And bmj and jackmiller managed to replace a well known and widely used cuss word with “bok” as well which made for an amusing conversation.
Perhaps I should have done a rugby ball but basketball got stuck in my head as nathanmj is mad keen about it and I vaguely recall bmj saying something about coaching but I don’t know if the two ideas were actually related. I think this guy is almost a treebok and not just because of the horns or the different picture orientation. Reckon he’ll just about stand eye to eye with some of my taller Dragonkin.
AER crowd character: DollaGoat
Thursday, 15 February 2018 @ 10:39pm
Sorry dolla, you’re now a goat XD (but let me know if you’d rather be something else)
I really wanted to do a variation of the upgoat footer for his Bounce upgoats, and “wall-running upgoat” was a concept firmly embedded in my mind…pretty much since then. And this was how that ended up.
I’m currently not sure whether the eye markings are staying or whether they’ll go and the nose marking will get bigger.
AER crowd character: Pineapple Angel
Wednesday, 14 February 2018 @ 9:10pm
I have long nicknamed whatamidoing “pineapple” due to the avatar, and when I put out the call to see who wanted to make cameos as crowd character we were bantering back and forth about how I was going to do theirs a pineapple hairdo and they responded back something along the lines of “pineapple angel”, which meant as far as I was concerned a fruity Avian.
There’s no pineapple coloured birds that I’m aware of so I went with something parrotish and a crested eagle crest (actual feathers on the crest rather than the fine silky feathers that’s more common for Avians).
AER crowd character: DJ Kubby
Monday, 5 February 2018 @ 8:25am
So I started drawing, and I got carried away with a girl with a short skirt and looooooooooong jacket, and I love drawing long unrestrained hair, and then there was pink. Soooooo muuuuuuuuch pink. But my shadow layer was on multiply and it was making everything look so desaturated, I wanted it to be a little bit more vibrant so switched it to an overlay. Ack! Be careful what you wish for! But we have bright colours.
Don't look back
Monday, 29 January 2018 @ 12:03pm
Blood. Everywhere.
Blade’s hulking form was crumpled in a pool of it.
The initial adrenaline rush, bordering on painful when it had spurred him into panicked, unthinking action, was subsiding now. Trix clung to the bloodied katana like his life still depended on it, his mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the situation before him.
They stayed there, the three of them, in a moment that lasted forever. Trix with the murder weapon. Blade, the not-so-innocent victim. Sable, curled up in a corner.
AER crowd character: BOOM!
Thursday, 11 January 2018 @ 2:50pm
The relentlessly hilarious @meesterboom requested a Dragonkin with a mohawk, no colour preference. It was so, so very difficult not to give him a hot pink mohawk. Gave him an extra long ratty but no tattoos as I’m not sure if he’s a Tribe Flyer or not. If he is I think one of the tattoos is going to be blue stripes like in Braveheart:
[missing image]
Sketchy for approval.
This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
AER crowd character: Ninjaroo
Wednesday, 10 January 2018 @ 7:09pm
Ninjaroo is thoroughly going to be his official nym.
I’ve recently decided to open my $10 Patreon tier to people on steem who regularly interact with me or are on the Team Australia and Be Awesome Discord channels. @aussieninja asked to be a ninja kangaroo, which meant lithe agile little gray wallaby. All ninjas wear headbands with medallions right? XD The ninja balaclava is down around his neck for the moment because I wanted to draw his face (I did originally have it up like he probably would do when playing parkour chasey).