Aefter Ragnarok
September progblog 2 retopo home stretch
Saturday, 12 September 2020 @ 9:14pm
The last week has been more about trying to fit more stuff in, so work hours keep getting cut more and more and more (because apparently I shouldn’t be cutting sleep for some reason).
And then on Friday my problem shoulder exploded (either pinched a nerve or it decided to become a frozen shoulder, I will find out which presently I guess) because I had the audacity to…stretch (literally all I did was stretch upwards). By evening I was popping painkillers (I don’t take painkillers because I have an irrational aversion to them) so I could run kids to places they needed to be, yesterday it was less bad and today it’s less bad again but still there and still occasionally annoying.
September ProgBlog #1: playing with retopo addons
Saturday, 5 September 2020 @ 7:46pm
Those twisty horns from hell are so-called because they gave me a hard time when I was sculpting, a hard time the first time I was retopologising and a hard time this time round too but I got there eventually.
I started off using speedretopo.
August ProgBlog #5: insane in the membrane
Friday, 28 August 2020 @ 9:09pm
It’s the little things.
I keep getting told not to worry about the tiny little details, because no one will ever notice them. I do sometimes (depending on how long I’m staring at something that I didn’t make). I’m reasonably certain that people might not notice the little details when they’re there, but will definitely notice them or at least pick up something “wrong” when they’re not.
Depending on the style of the artwork of course. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself when I’m obsessing about all those little details.
August ProgBlog #4: more fingers
Friday, 21 August 2020 @ 10:49pm
Finally got done with the hands (or at least as done as I can be/am prepared to do).
I really hope I don’t regret the decision to try and fix some of the more finicky things in the normal map later x_x This is actually the right hand. I usually work on the left side because I manage to get in my own way less on that side. I am showing off the right hand because I had to hide the right arm so I could start working on the wings.
August ProgBlog #3: fingers
Sunday, 16 August 2020 @ 10:37pm
There has been some hilarity with some of my previous progblogs as I’ve shared the dodgy looking things that usually end up happening whenever I’m building (at least characters, I haven’t done much else recently x_x)
The above screenie is not that dodgy, it’s just highlighting those irritating bumps. All I want is a perfectly smooth mesh but pparently there are vertices that just jut out for no apparent reason regardless of what I’m doing with autosmooth and the smooth brush settings. I have wasted so much time on this that it’s well beyond ridiculous.
August ProgBlog #2: back to the grind
Saturday, 8 August 2020 @ 3:32pm
This is a really boring phase where things are super slow going but they need to be done to keep me happy.
Other people obsess about mesh smoothness and stuff in obscure places like the soles of feet right?
Hive hoodie
Wednesday, 5 August 2020 @ 3:30pm
Quickie because sculpt fixing is taking forever and I felt like doing something else for a little while.
As I said in the last progblog, I had been intending on sketching Zara in a hive hoodie as I’ve drawn her in a steem hoodie previously, and then decided I should use her model instead. Some fixing was required and that had to be done anyway so it got done, and then I made the hoodie together out of a cube.
August ProgBlog #1: and then one thing led to another and...
Sunday, 2 August 2020 @ 5:59pm
WARNING: if you’re an ultraprude there’s a nude character in here but only the breasts are somewhat detailed, while you can see the crotch area due to lack of clothes there isn’t even implied genitalia.
So there I was, just smoothing out Red’s feet and toes and fixing toenails that needed fixing
when I decided that I should draw Zara in a hive hoodie since I’ve drawn her in a steem hoodie previously (and Kurenai in a steem shirt). Hot on the heels of that I figured I may as well use the 3d model of Zara seeing as it’s more or less finished. So of course I had to fix the proportions of the model first. After a lot of glaring and trying to figure out if the legs were too long or the torso too short, I finally decided on the former and ran it past Sprat who helpfully marked up a screenie for me.
July ProgBlog #2: minified progblog
Wednesday, 29 July 2020 @ 12:00am
I’m severely out of it. I’m currently struggling (and mostly failing) to not revert to my owlish ways.
I don’t even remember why I didn’t post the progblog on Friday.
Oh yes, I had an extra child (11yo had a friend sleeping over for the weekend).
I also hadn’t finished the tail at the time and I was sick of posting pictures of the unfinished tail.
Then I stayed up way too late last night because I finally finished it.
Family Day
Friday, 17 July 2020 @ 10:34am
Partly pointless preamable The title is actually terrible but it’s the working title I gave the files and I can’t think of a better one _;
The following is the same fic from two different points of view. I initially wrote them in breaks from ironing the tail, and was trying to figure out which one to post when I remembered that I had once upon a time wanting to try writing the same situation from the viewpoints of different characters, and must have subconsciously remembered that when doing it.