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May Homeschool Miscellany

Tuesday, 14 June 2022 @ 10:33pm

15yo and I decided we desperately needed a shoe rack so after dropping 17yo at TAFE we headed over to the KMart down the road and got a bamboo one.

It didn’t end up getting put together til later that day and 15yo did most of it on her own but was struggling with a bit of it, and 17yo happened to be on his way to or from the kitchen, noticed and leant assistance.

May ProgBlog #3: major schedule rejigs

Wednesday, 18 May 2022 @ 9:14am

Precious little got done over the last week on anything as I discovered a fatal flaw in my scheduling. I have roleplaying stuff scheduled for most of the weekend (currently only playing every other Sunday so I just use the time for extra prep and generally failing to catch up with all the writeups I haven’t done yet, am starting up a new weekly game with my three regulars next weekend though). After roleplaying I’m supposed to be working on UASG.

April Homeschool Miscellany

Sunday, 15 May 2022 @ 7:03pm

We really didn’t do a lot in April because it kind of sucked. Both of our dogs died within weeks of each other. Everyone was pretty devastated, the kids had grown up with those dogs.


The big dog was an early birthday/Christmas present for me as I’d decided I wanted a dog. The kids were 5, 3 and 1 at the time.

May ProgBlog #2

Monday, 9 May 2022 @ 7:39pm

I’ve made zero progress on Gundry as there is a checkbox which I think I need to tick in Particle Edit mode to make the bake show up so I can edit it, and it seems to be a guaranteed crash. So looks like at this stage unless the new hair system drops sooner than I’m expecting it, I pretty much have to go the curve guide/soft body route.

Which means trying to figure out why my curve guides refuse to stick to their bone hooks and putting up with hair flapping around in anime locks (which at least won’t be too terrible for this project because it’s kind of semi-anime anyway).

May ProgBlog #1

Monday, 2 May 2022 @ 1:23pm

Decided to try particle feathers following this tutorial on BlenderArtists. Got about this far in

playing with particle instances in Blender 3.1.2
playing with particle instancing in Blender 3.1.2

and realised that I will likely need different mapping on each side because of how the particles are distributing.

April ProgBlog 3: The Infernal Hair Continues

Monday, 25 April 2022 @ 8:43pm

I thought I was on my last attempt. I was going to try a few more things, and then give up and make a million curve guides again and down the line nut out soft body on curves (I probably need to nut it out anyway).

The problem I was having was that it seems that regardless of whether or not the emitter (the entire character model in this case) was set to be a collision object or not, the hair would clip straight through it when I got it to drop.

April ProgBlog #2: INFERNAL HAIR

Monday, 18 April 2022 @ 11:34pm

I feel like it’s an eternal struggle getting hair settings right.

luscious unstyled particle hair locks

Sometimes what feels like a slight movement in your hand makes for a huge settings change.

Blender 3.1 hair settings gone wild

So it’s generally a good idea to hold shift (which scales everything up so adjustments are a lot more gradual). Then I have these issues of why is it like this and why are there random patches of hair.

April ProgBlog #1: speaking of ridiculous things

Monday, 11 April 2022 @ 10:15pm

Poor Gundry is copping a lot of flak for his amazing hair.

Gundry scraggly hair Blender 3.1

I was hoping that Blender 3.1 would have better hair physics (or at least actually emitter deflect) and I would be able to let it flop and bake before attempting to style it but no such luck.

March Homeschool Miscellany

Wednesday, 6 April 2022 @ 7:49pm

It was another stay home month as I got too caught up in project related things and kept not sleeping, and also continually failed at finding places that we could go while unvaccinated. We did stuff though.

Like going into the TAFE and finding out that 15yo could try to get into the Cert I course that 17yo is doing next semester in preparation for going into the early childhood course sometime next year.

Blender 3.1 notes: using texture maps for particle hair

Monday, 4 April 2022 @ 1:07pm

First, set up the hair particle system with enough to see what you’re doing.


In the UV Editing tab, create a new image and change the Colour Space to Non-Colour.

image 0

Save the image either with Alt+S or using the Image menu.