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August ProgBlog #3: particle feathers and hair, oh my

Monday, 22 August 2022 @ 10:40pm

I think I’ve finished the first light and shadow layers for the Eladrin.

image 124

It went pretty quick, I don’t know how long it actually took as while Toolsday is the day for it, there was a bit going on.

I was talking to Sprat about having difficulty with feathers (because I’m trying to do Zara’s head feathers better) and that I didn’t have a feather generator. Then it occurred to me to see if one existed and apparently one does.

June/July Homeschool Miscellany

Wednesday, 17 August 2022 @ 2:18pm

13yo’s kitchen experiments continued, he made sticky date puddings with caramel sauce.

image 114

Was delicious warm with ice cream. He made two of them because he loves making massive batches of anything for some reason. Worked out alright as I think most if not everyone in the house likes sticky date pudding.

August ProgBlog #2: because I need more projects

Monday, 15 August 2022 @ 11:11pm

I really should stop trying to push to finish things before going to bed because the times that it has worked is probably still in the single digits.

I decided to postpone the progblog because I’ve been so out of it I really hadn’t gotten a lot of work done, partly because I just didn’t look at my schedule and partly because I managed to simultaneously not know what day it was and know what day it was because of who had to be where by when. All I had to show was stuff that has been seen before quite recently.

WednesdayWalk: down by the river

Thursday, 11 August 2022 @ 1:22pm

As requested by @dreemit who assures me that WednesdayWalk just has to be posted on Wednesday and doesn’t necessarily have to occur on Wednesday. As luck would have it, we actually went on a nice walkies on the correct day.

And I’m a day late for me because shenanigans happened but I have the advantage of being on the side of the world where a day late makes it on time for the other side of the world? Aargh shenanigans.

It didn’t start out that way. I had taken Little Miss Puppy to my aunty’s place (having not been to see my aunty and grandmother for a couple of months because covid and colds and grandmother gets pneumonia so we don’t go there if anyone is sick just in case) and she had played forever with my aunty’s dog and been pretty knackered when we got back, so J had decided maybe we should just take her for a short stroll around the block (he also wanted his walkies).

August ProgBlog #1: the plod of eternal slow

Tuesday, 2 August 2022 @ 4:20pm

This week has been thoroughly boring as far as progress goes. Even the progress I made on roleplaying notes felt pretty meh.

The uv maps were so horribly borked that I decided I was just going to bite it and redo the sculpt (which is a comparatively easy thing to do).

While I was there I noted that some fixes which I thought I’d done with the base model hadn’t actually been done, so decided I would actually do all the fixes on the base model that I was supposed to do, including applying basic textures, which is another thing I thought I’d already done.

July ProgBlog #3: haaaaaaaaaair

Monday, 25 July 2022 @ 10:06pm
the title partially comes from when 17yo was a baby and said pretty much that as I think he was trying to figure out the h sound

I successfully crunched a lot of roleplaying notes and even got a decent start on a couple of major npcs (I only write character sheets for major npcs, everything else gets made up on the fly as I need it) and…game on Sunday didn’t happen as one player was working (which we knew about) and the other one had a family thing on (which we found out when we pinged them to let them know we were going to be starting soon). I’ve since decided to try running that game as play by post on my Discord server, hopefully that will work out better for the people that keep consistently not making it, and also resolves scheduling issues I was having nicely (I can now run my planned weekly game on Sundays seeing as the fortnightly game is getting moved to pbp).

July ProgBlog #2

Monday, 11 July 2022 @ 11:44pm

There was drama with my uv maps. They decided to “helpfully” maximise my uv space by stacking (basically symmetrical things neatly align themselves on top of one another to maximise efficient use of uv space…however because I’m painting the uv maps and there’s different things on each side I absolutely do not under any circumstances want that) and I don’t know when that happened or how to fix it.

And there were these random little black dots which I think are polygons (because they only show up in polygon selection mode) but are unselectable. I don’t even know if they’re actually polygons or glitches in the matrix as they seem to randomly appear and disappear.

July ProgBlog #1

Monday, 4 July 2022 @ 1:22pm

After last progblog I decided to break from doing the Avian model and work on the Dragonkin one for a bit. First level of panic was that the proportions were really different.

That calmed down very quickly when I remembered…I only need the wings and everything in that area was proportional enough.

Dragonkin alignment
I technically do need the tail but I could just pull that one out if the existing one wasn’t in the right spot and given the different topology of both models it may end up in a slightly different spot anyway

I then took another deviation as apparently my base models did not have basic textures applied like I thought they had, so I did that with the ones I had already done. And while doing that I ended up transplanting a head (that would sound rather dodgy without context I think) as I’d apparently made some changes to the male model at some stage and all the fixes I’d done to the mouth on the female model really wasn’t working.

June ProgBlog #2: because you know...instances

Monday, 27 June 2022 @ 1:09pm

Gundry still has not budged. I was supposed to do more work on him today but I ended up doing other things instead. I also need to have a chat with my young friend and find out if we’re still going along with…well I hesitate to call what we were working off any kind of plan, not even a loose and fluid one if this project is still going to go.

June ProgBlog #1: There was a gap

Monday, 20 June 2022 @ 1:35pm

In that gap was a slightly unexpected new puppy (which I wrote a bit about in the homeschool miscellany and covid (not worth the ridiculously excessive fuss and the frantic stripping of as much freedom as possible in that space of time that was made of it, wouldn’t recommend the headache though). And then there was me figuring it wasn’t worth the blog because there hadn’t been much prog and trying to manage that and consistently failing as other things kept happening (not least of which comp season started).