Cute boy
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Everyone thinks my baby is cute. I agree with them but I’m biased ;) Had that many people tell me how he is the cutest little baby they’ve seen for a while, how he’s so happy, has such a cute smile, and is so observant and seems so intelligent, gives reaffirmationt hat I don’t need but still makes me happy to hear ;)
I love my adorable baby!
Nice day
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Had a nice day today. Got to meet Carlia from AB and her cute little almost 2yo, as well as a bunch of other “alternative” types. Met up with Carlia and some other people at the markets, then had to double back to the car park so we could put Tiny’s car seat in Carlia’s car coz she was going to give me a ride back. We hung out with JJ for a bit, went and did our fruit and vege shopping (mango season! and Tiny loves mangoes! XD) and Tiny got a strawberry which he ate a couple of bites of and then smooshed most of the rest all over me, as per standard operating procedure.
Education whinge
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After observing Tiny yesterday and how it’s becoming more and more blatantly obvious how he’s learning things by experimentation, I wonder why the control freak government insists that the ONLY way kids will ever learn anything is if someone is forcing them to sit down and read things. I think it goes to show how blatantly stupid and ignorant people are, and I’m sure I could come up with all sorts of conspiracy theories about how they’re homogenising everyone into compliant citizens by stamping out individuality, and leaving it so the only way people can think they are unique and special is just by being selfish (which is not the same as being individual) because they have no other sense of self.
He's walking!
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Well, not quite, but he’s very close.
He’s only been crawling for a month O_O
We were playing the game where I say “Can the baby…stand by himself?” and let go of him, and catch him before he loses his balance. He thinks it’s a great game, and lately has been able to balance for a little while before falling over. This time however, he not only stood, he interrupted my starting to tell him what a clever balancing baby he was by running straight at me, giggling maniacally all the way. Took him all of three steps to reach me, I yelled “HE’S WALKING!” at JJ (who insists that there was definite squealing involved, i deny this), JJ came running over to try to convince Tiny to walk to him but Tiny had decided we were obviously playing chasey and crawled away as fast as he could, giggling all the way :)
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Jes coz people who don’t acxtually see him often if at all (and even some that do o_O) were asking, some recent photos that are online because I’ve been posting them at AltBaby. I never cross-posted them coz I’m dumb and don’t think.
Stuff that's been
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There’s us after just having fitted Tiny’s new bike seat onto me new bike. Handles like a dream, I don’t even feel his weight anymore, cept when he decides to lean on one of my arms when he’s checking out the road or sleepy, apparently it’s more comfortable than the headboard o_O But yeh, we’ve been doing a bit of that bike riding thing, going to do it more often as petrol prices soar, and hey bike riding is great fun. Haven’t done it really since I left Christmas Island, when me and my best friend used to go bike riding pretty much every day. Ahh the good old days etc.
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The day began with Tiny waking us up at 7:30am, standard operating procedure really. It wouldn’t have been so bad if we’d actually had decent sleep the night before, but Tiny was incredibly hungry all night, and at 3 something in the morning the stupid dog decided he wanted to go out (and once he was done outside he wanted to come back in obviously). Anyway. Tiny crawled over the top of me and got in JJ’s face, and said quite clearly, “Hello Dad!”
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In the shower this time.
So there I am starting an msn convo with Leah when my ever vigilant ferocious guard puppy starts woofing, why coz he is currently unfamiliar with the sound of JJua returning home on his currently brand new bike :)
Dog barking wakes boyo up, but he sees Mummy n Daddy and smiles like this - :) which is to say like a frog. It’s cute, if I can get a photo I’ll try to remember to post it. I tell Leah that Tiny’s awake and I must take him to the toilet, so I run tiny into the bathroom, whip off his nappy which is still dry and he does his wee in the bathroom with us singing his praises.
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Tiny ate his first full meal today :) It was a late lunch of almost vegetarian (I say almost because we had a plate of vegetables topped with gravy from the roast place and the gravy had pan juices). He missed the feed he usually has then but he made up for it not long ago with one of the longest feeds he’s had for a while o_O
That's what I forgot
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Forgot to mention. Recently (last couple of weeks) Tiny has started clambering up for cuddles and also giving big open mouth sloppy kisses. Painfully cute :)
Also my parents have asked if we want to go over east with them when they go on their annual holiday early next year. Apparently their plan is they are going to go to Singapore to visit my dad’s brother and his family there, then heading over to either the Gold Coast or Melbourne first with my youngest cousin (who is 16 like my sister) in tow, then heading to wherever of the aforementioned destinations they didn’t go to first. I would really like to go coz the theme parks would be fun, and would also like to show off the boy to the relatives in Melbourne, as well as meet some of the AltBaby crew in Melbourne if I’m able (seems like there’s a chunk of them thre, and this is where the plug was originally supposed to be mentioned; ) But yeh, I would really like to go but JJ is probably going to be working from shortly after exams finish to some undisclosed date before when uni starts again. Maybe.