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35 weeks tomorrow

Thursday, 5 October 2006 @ 7:39pm

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Despite the constant nagging pain that may well try to develop into full blown labour at any stage, I’m happy.

I think Smidge may arrive soon, I remember being happier than usual a bit before Tiny was born. No idea how long, I tried asking JJ but he was scurrying around doing his chores and things to get ready for a study group tonight for a test tomorrow so no straight answers from him. I’ll just assume I’m right til otherwise proven ;) In theory I shouldn’t go til about 38 weeks, but it completely would not surprise me if Smidge rocked around anywhere from the 20th (when I should be spot on 37 weeks) onwards. My estimate is 30/31, but I’m probably wrong.

Not long now

Sunday, 1 October 2006 @ 8:21pm

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My little boy is down for the night (I think). He was a bit of a crank factor today but I think it was coz his sleeping pattern went out of whack, JJ’s mum came up from Geraldton and spent a night with us, then we went up to his siblings’ place for lunch. Was good to catch up with JJ’s side of the family, even though we didn’t really see his brother for more than ten minutes coz he had a bad hangover from the night before and hadn’t gotten in til 6:30am. He had a great play at the park, but he missed his nap time so was quite cantankerous at the end of the day, well by his standards anyway. I’ve seen worse cracks than that.

Tiny's Good Day

Sunday, 24 September 2006 @ 7:45pm

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It was a really good day today. Think we’re going to make a point of trying to have more, specially seeing as I’ll be doing the whole homeschooling thing.

We went to Freo for the fruit and veg and meat as we usually do. Tiny got a banana from the stall holder we usually go to, as he usually does, and we got the fruit and veg, then left them there to pick up later and headed out. We caught up with Clara from the crepe place and I bought a Nutella crepe which Tiny got half of. I think I have him hooked on Nutella now, I’m such a bad parent. And I think I might need to buy some now. And perhaps get some peanut butter from the misc organic food place near the meat place. There were babies, babies everywhere and I was feeling weird. (sighs as JJ starts imitating a chicken again :)

Fear my cleaning wrath!

Saturday, 23 September 2006 @ 12:08pm

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I have decided I’m sick of the state of the house so I’m cleaning it.

I think they call this nesting instinct. Had to come in useful for something. Currently working on the kitchen, just taking a quick break coz I just put Tiny to sleep and JJ is making lunch (or making some rice to have with leftover casserole at any rate). Then we’re going to clean the kitchen, or maybe I will because apparently he’s tired from not getting enough sleep (he wants 10 hours and is getting about 6 or 7, and has been doing the bulk of the housework and taking care of Tiny coz my contractions won’t slow down when I’m resting and speed up and occasionally get stronger when I do stuff, I’m that over it that I don’t actually care anymore, which probably makes me a bad mum, but whatever). Lots of sorting and throwing out and stuff to do.


Wednesday, 30 August 2006 @ 8:27pm

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Day yesterday was great. We went to Freo to return some unused raffle tickets that the football club was trying to get us to sell, and I checked up on the status of my Purple Haze jumper (apparently they’ll call me, but at least this time they have this in and I’ve got the jumper).

Nice couple days

Thursday, 17 August 2006 @ 2:39pm

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Tuesday and today were nice (so was Wednesday, but JJ was only gone for two and half hours then :).

On Tuesday JJ was gone for the whole day. We woke up and had breakfast, JJ headed off to uni. Tiny helped me do the dishes and a fold the laundry (and by that I mean he scrubbed a wooden spoon for the entire time when he wasn’t splashing around or stirring the dish water with it, and handing me laundry and then “helpfully” moving some of the stuff back into the basket, and even more “helpfully” stashing all the clothes into random drawers :)

Today is better ^_^

Monday, 7 August 2006 @ 1:09pm

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I woke up several times this morning, mostly coz Smidge was sleeping on my bladder and a couple of times coz Tiny kept latching on.

When I actually woke up this morning, I noticed something. Not feeling sick XD

Well my stomach was cramping and the queasy feeling crept in afterwards, but I didn’t feel like primordial ooze when I woke up so that was great. My wrists and ankles felt swollen and achey even though they look perfectly normal, but I don’t care, they can be swollen and achey coz I don’t feel sick!

Surviving bedrest

Sunday, 6 August 2006 @ 7:48pm

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I’m sure people think the idea is appealing. Lie in bed and have someone else do everything for you and you can just chill out.

It’s driving me insane.

Why am I on bedrest? Well. Last week sometime I started having tightenings across the stomach and my uterus felt like it was leaking. One midwife call later and she suggested I stay in bed as much as possible as I was having regular (if short and painless for me) contractions. Least the fluid in question was just a ridiculous amount of cervical mucous and not amniotic fluid. And apparently my cervix looked very slightly eroded, might have been a bit short (can’t remember) but otherwise was thick and shut exactly the way it should be.

Laugh with me.

Monday, 22 May 2006 @ 10:02am

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Got this link from tks off AB.

The only place people have trouble with breastfeeding is in this pathetic “civilised, developed” world which despite being massively technologically advanced is intellectually completely backward. Only in these so-called “developed” countries, especially those of the “Christian” persuasion is breastfeeding “indecent”.

In “developing” countries, aside from the places where those fat ignorant fucks Nestle and other formula companies have been pushing their chemical cocktails of potential death, breastfeeding is normal. Any mum can go out anywhere and flop out a boob for a hungry baby or toddler, and no one even notices. Or if they do notice they’re all “Awwwww look, isn’t that sweeeeeet *\gush*”. Hell even in some Muslim countries where the women wear those top to toe garbs (which I so should know the name of but it’s evading me right now), it’s not unusual to see a woman, face covered for reasons of modesty, boob out to feed her child. Because breastfeeding is normal and I think it’s actually somewhere in their religious texts as well, though I’ll have to double check that.