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Teeny tiny little big boy

Monday, 20 November 2006 @ 2:38pm

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That’s Tiny.

He’s more on than off the toilet training/learning now, been to the toilet twice today to do wees (he claimed poo the first time but the poo never showed up in the toilet or in his nappy). Might have to invest in a few sets of one wet pants and get a stool for the toilet. Now that JJ has finally finished exams (still got a presentation to go but that’s not such a big deal, it requires dressing up nice and knowing what you’re talking about when people ask questions about your poster) we might be able to focus in on the family a bit more, and encourage Tiny to use the toilet a bit more.

Tandem feeding

Sunday, 19 November 2006 @ 7:16pm

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Tiring, hard work, draining. Very worth it though watching Tiny stroking or cuddling Smidge while both of them are feeding. I’m having to remind him to look up though, his top teeth dig in coz he keeps trying to tuck his chin down.

Smidge still has her weird feeding pattern but if she wants to take long naps during the afternoon and all night, I’m cool with that.

Trials and tribulations

Friday, 17 November 2006 @ 10:07pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

It just occurred to me I don’t know what a tribulation is.

Dictionary says:

trib·u·la·tion (trby-lshn) Pronunciation Key


Great affliction, trial, or distress; suffering: Their tribulation has finally passed. See Synonyms at trial.

An experience that tests one’s endurance, patience, or faith. See Synonyms at burden1.

Now I know. It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, but nothing really major or difficult, just tiring.

Smidge's graphic birth story

Wednesday, 15 November 2006 @ 10:52pm

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[sans photos as I can’t find the edited versions I was using and cbf making more]

Been an interesting last couple of weeks. And I’ve been frequently interrupted trying to write this post coz there are two kids to tend to, plus my mum to socialise with when she got back from Christmas shopping _ So don’t trust the time stamp :P I’ve also left out a lot of small details coz figure this thing’s going to be long enough as is and probably not that interesting reading in the grand scheme of things :P Also I’ve decided to break up the entry and only write the birth story for now coz it’s still turning out bloody long, will write up the first couple of weeks later :P

The pain still paining

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 @ 12:24am

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Prelabour whinge

Owww damn that last one was a pretty good one.

Yesterday I had an interesting bout of prelabour that was different from all the other prelabours.

It went all day.

Yes you may say, as did all the other ones. Well the other ones had the decency to give me an hour or two break every so often. These ones just kept cramping and contracting all day. It ranged from slightly uncomfortable to almost painful.

Yay for another nice day

Wednesday, 18 October 2006 @ 10:06pm

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I woke up with NO PAIN this morning :) There was the stereotypical discomfort of constant contractions but after yesterday, nothing hurts. Touch wood. We’d all had a decent night sleep too (all of 5.5 hours, but it was good quality sleep). Tiny’s fever had gone, he woke up all smiles, JJ wasn’t cranky and for once I hadn’t woken up at 2am, earliest Tiny woke me up was close to 6am for his morning feeding frenzy. We all hauled out of bed about 6:30ish and JJ was in that good a mood that he made pancakes!

How things are going

Thursday, 12 October 2006 @ 2:16pm

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Vocabulary is picking up amazingly. This morning JJ asked if I would be all right if he headed off to uni. I did need him to stay, but he needed to get group work done, so I said if he needed to go then go, I’d live, and left it up to him. he chose to go. Tiny noticed he was leaving and said “Don’t leave!” and clung to his leg. He was all right after a while to calmly wave goodbye to Daddy from the futon while watching his kiddie cartoons. He’s stringing things together in ways that should make more sense to other people as well as to the experts who can decipher his language (ie us), things like “No more molk”

And it gets worse

Wednesday, 11 October 2006 @ 9:26pm

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Woke up this morning in exactly as much pain as I was in yesterday. This was great. Body adapted. JJ went to uni, I went through the day.

Just before lunch, after I got Tiny down for his nap, it got worse. Not labour pain intensity worse but noticeably worse. This was bad. I dealt with it. Tiny woke up, we had lunch. Half a slice of bread with butter soaked in egg. He had his little food critic face on, nodding and saying “Mmm…um!” Guess from that and the fact he scoffed it that he liked it.

35 weeks tomorrow

Thursday, 5 October 2006 @ 7:39pm

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Despite the constant nagging pain that may well try to develop into full blown labour at any stage, I’m happy.

I think Smidge may arrive soon, I remember being happier than usual a bit before Tiny was born. No idea how long, I tried asking JJ but he was scurrying around doing his chores and things to get ready for a study group tonight for a test tomorrow so no straight answers from him. I’ll just assume I’m right til otherwise proven ;) In theory I shouldn’t go til about 38 weeks, but it completely would not surprise me if Smidge rocked around anywhere from the 20th (when I should be spot on 37 weeks) onwards. My estimate is 30/31, but I’m probably wrong.

Not long now

Sunday, 1 October 2006 @ 8:21pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

My little boy is down for the night (I think). He was a bit of a crank factor today but I think it was coz his sleeping pattern went out of whack, JJ’s mum came up from Geraldton and spent a night with us, then we went up to his siblings’ place for lunch. Was good to catch up with JJ’s side of the family, even though we didn’t really see his brother for more than ten minutes coz he had a bad hangover from the night before and hadn’t gotten in til 6:30am. He had a great play at the park, but he missed his nap time so was quite cantankerous at the end of the day, well by his standards anyway. I’ve seen worse cracks than that.