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Creepy crawly

Wednesday, 11 April 2007 @ 10:06pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Smidge is making headways with crawling and EC. She was in the same nappy since not long after lunch when I changed her into the nappy in question at Southlands, and I’ve caught every single wee and poo since then. Before that she’d only gone through two nappy changes, with one of them being a poo.


Wednesday, 11 April 2007 @ 10:06pm

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

My wakeful little boy is being all awake. I’ve just read The Rainbow Fish to him three times and thought he would go to sleep but no such luck.

JJ helped me out by doing the dishes (which I asked him to do) and putting away the laundry that I’d folded (which I hadn’t, so thank him very much :). Today was mostly productive, after having a bad day yesterday. Tiny being high energy and requiring constant stimulation, I’m making the commitment to take him out at least once a day. I had a mind to go to the city to get more contacts, perhaps hit up my favourite bookstore (Boffins) and perhaps check out the new Borders bookshop as well to see if either had any homeschooling books (though I may request some through the library if I can track down any titles). Also chasing some vego/vegan cookbooks. I want to amass cookbooks all of a sudden, slightly surprising coz I hate cooking.

Zoo trek

Wednesday, 28 March 2007 @ 9:39pm

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Today was a good day, even if the public transport was a bit of a malarky.

Woke up in the morning, got myself and Tiny breakfast (weetbix with full cream milk, chopped strawberries and half a banana each) and switched the tv to ABC kids. Tiny had a minor tantrum when he found out JJ had gone to walk the dog without him, but quickly got over it when he noted it wasn’t getting much reaction from me and watched TV, not touching his breakfast.

More like this

Sunday, 11 March 2007 @ 10:45pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

After skitzing out a little over the past week, I’m hoping for more days like this. It was good. Not too much computer, more time with kids. Housework gone done a bit too, except vacuuming. Tiny learned how to use a knife.

I didn’t get much work done but hopefully might get a little bit done tonight. Kids went to bed at a reasonable time, I spent a bit of time with Josh, Sprat and I had a pillow fight and generally good times.

Hurray for The Wiggles!

Thursday, 1 March 2007 @ 10:31am

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Tiny has discovered The Wiggles website. It was my fault, I decided to see if they were going to have any events in Perth anytime soon and he spotted me.

So now he’s on “his” (ie JJ’s old) laptop playing the various games they have littered about their site. So far he’s played an instrument game which is a simple mouse over game, great for teaching tots hand eye coordination with a mouse. Next I put on the numbers game for him (he mouses over a number, it gets big, he clicks on it and one of the Wiggles reads out the number. Think he was trying to learn the numbers so he could play Wake Up Jeff which requires knowing what the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are.


Monday, 26 February 2007 @ 3:24pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

It’s raining. In summer. Wonders will never cease. People who are still stubbornly insisting that they can live wasteful lifestyles because it would happen anyway, well no help for them coz they’re delusional and are psychologically incapable of seeing any reality other than the one they desperately cling to.

Triptych happy

Monday, 5 February 2007 @ 10:27pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

I upgraded the kid’s account for the scrapbook function. Hurray. Theoretically it should encourage me to post more photos but that requires me putting in the effort to process the photos :P


Yay the kids are down at a reasonable time!

Tiny’s been trying to drop his nap for the past few ages with varying degrees of success. Today he had a nice short nap and then after a few trials and tribulations (ie Smidge wanted a feed and she gets priority, then she went and stayed on for about an hour) I got him to sleep quite quickly.

The Rhythm of the Night...Day...whatever

Friday, 19 January 2007 @ 12:10am

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

As I said in the other journal, Christmas Island was great. I will post up pictures once I can be bothered either convincing my combo drive that it’s fine and can read the CD or stuffing it into JJ’s computer and pulling from there.

Pleasantly tired at the moment, I feel like I’m contributing something to the household for a change. Been a while what with being dangerously pregnant and then recovering from being pregnant. JJ and I are slowly starting to fall into a rhythm of who does what chores and overlapping where necessary.

Smidge's Welcome Party, Kindermusik and Today in General

Sunday, 3 December 2006 @ 4:43pm

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[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Smidge’s Welcome Party

Unfortunately I didn’t get any photos as I forgot my sling and the floor rug and thus had my hands full of Smidge pretty much the entire time. Bit unfortunatel but you get that.

Was nice and intimate and a lot of fun, and reminded me a) how much I like small group situations and b) how much I hadn’t caught up with the people that rocked up, didn’t have nearly as much time as I wanted to spend with everyone. But I guess this happens around silly season especially when everyone is busier than what they would normally be.

Elimination communication

Saturday, 2 December 2006 @ 11:41am

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Slowly working on this with Smidge, seeing as it’s kind of blatantly obvious when she needs to do a poo. She was fussing earlier so I stuck her om the potty and she did a wee (some of it hit me on the leg coz I hadn’t positioned her quite right but we’re learning :P