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Day 1

Monday, 18 June 2007 @ 9:29pm

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So far so good.

Heather dropped off Jasper at about 9ish and hung around for half an hour to chat and make sure he settled, which he did pretty quickly. Tiny and Jasper played together mostly nicely, bar a few tantrums here and there coz Tiny wouldn’t do exactly what Jasper wanted or say things exactly as Jasper wanted them said and Jasper happened to have something Tiny decided that he wanted (mainly because he saw Jasper had it).


Sunday, 17 June 2007 @ 10:52pm

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First day of having another child on boar tomorrow. Had Jasper and Will come round today, I anticpated a worst case scenario of lots of tantrums and fighting over toys and a best case scenario of everythibg meshing nicely. Guess which happened.

The rest of the day sorted itself out with the kids playing happily.

Tiny gems

Friday, 15 June 2007 @ 6:57pm

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What are you doing in there?

The other day I got my first video call from JJ. I showed Tiny the phone and said “Hey Tiny, who’s that?”

He replied “I donno, that’s Daddy!” I’m not sure why he starts responses like that. Then speaking to JJ’s image on the screen, “Daddy what are you doing in there?”

Just cruising

Saturday, 2 June 2007 @ 10:26am

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As of yesterday Smidge has been casually cruising along the couch. Oh dear.

The Beginning of the End of Gummysharkdom

Monday, 28 May 2007 @ 9:53am

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Smidge’s lower left incisor has broken through the gums. And of course I found out when she decided to teeth on my hand. It was due anyway, it had been lurking visibly just under her gums for about a week before it finally sprouted.

She’s crawling really well and has pulled up a few times, the first time on the bed rail on the bed, and a couple of times on the couch. She’s been trying to talk too, been making all sorts of cute noises. Today both JJ and I picked up something along the lines of “weaden dat book” which is Tiny pronounciation.


Tuesday, 22 May 2007 @ 9:29pm

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Seems like my luck is stabilising again. Yay! Maybe it was karma biting me in the arse for daring to work too hard on stuff that isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things, well not to me anyway.

Yesterday I didn’t get quite get as much stuff done as I’d been planning on as Tiny randomly decided to have an early nap. Tha was fine, after he’d woken up we (finally!) ran Smidge’s conscientious objection form plus the two Famil Assistance Office forms in to the Medicare office in Freo. On the way home the 99 we were on terminated at the Murdoch PnR which meant we had to hang around for about ten minutes for the next one so we could go one more stop. The only reason I didn’t just walk it (would have taken about that long) was becaue of the construction work, I couldn’t see how to get out easily with the twin pram. The cranky bus driver on the terminating 99 thanked Tiny for “being good” when we got off which was a) sweet and b) slightly amusing considering Tiny had shrieked a couple of times on the bus due to being tired.

Homeschooling books etc

Monday, 21 May 2007 @ 10:35am

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I really need to stop reading them, I think.

They are either that much common sense (to me anyway) that I don’t know why I’m bothering or they turn out to be psycho religious zealots.

Well I’ve only really read two homeschooling books and they are both American (hm, that explains a lot ;). One wasn’t really that helpful though some of the stories contained within were interesting, the other started out pretty interesting as a good introduction to the “classical” method of education and kind of degenerated into anti-school borderline religious … I lost the word.


Tuesday, 15 May 2007 @ 8:01pm

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Both kids enjoyed plagroup today. Smidge has been properly crawling for three days now. It’s adorable watching her crawl as her arm movements are so jerky, and she gets this ever so adorable look of determination on her face when she sees something she wants. At playgroup she found a piano xylophone and was balancing on three limbs while hammering keys with one hand, and being amazed by the sounds she was making.

What we learned today

Monday, 7 May 2007 @ 1:54pm

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

That Livejournal has suddenly got a new hardcore editor.

Or maybe it’s been there for a while and it’s just coz I don’t use it that much.


We were hanging out the nappies as there was sun today, we have bizarro weather (it’s meant to be autumn/winter, feels like we’re moving into spring), and noted the bees buzzing around the fully flowering tree that’s hanging over our fence next door. Josh has taught Tiny to have a healthy fear of bees which I’m trying to turn into a healthy respect. I had one explained to him that the bees hang around the flowers to get nectar that they make into honey. He remembered that, telling me “Bees make honey.”

fyn's series of unfortunate events

Monday, 30 April 2007 @ 10:34pm

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I was going to call it a vent but you know what, it wasn’t a bad day, it was a good day with a series of stupid things interspersed.

First up, I got a call from the mac shop saying my imac was in and I could pick it up whenever. I thought that was awesome. JJ didn’t want me to pick it up on my own but I had Pete with me (big bald guy, no one with a brain would mess with him, not that I’m worried about being messed with, I may be a little out of practice but I can still mess people up good). Pete wanted to poke into a shop anyway to buy some miscellaneous candy goods to take back to the UK for his friends, and see what else there was to see, so I thought we could go to Carousel (where the ac shop was) coz we only neededto take one bus there as opposed to Garden City where we were originally going and needed two buses.