Sick kids
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Both of them.
Smidge, not so bad aside from a bad habit of leaking all over the place.
Tiny, well. As well as the runs, the cyst on his eye is infected and he’s getting a double whack for it, both an eye cream and oral antibiotics. He has a rash on his chest and is listless and lethargic.
Unschooly crap
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You can learn a lot from doing not much. As most people know, I do 3d. I seem to know bits of geometry, crap I never would have picked up at school, mainly coz it was in the higher level maths class and I suck at maths.
Currently I’m learning a little bit about Russian history (there’s a doco on sometime in the next fortnight that might be helpful) and researching titanium alloys. Why? Roleplaying :P
With Confidence
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Smidge has been crawling a lot less, and walking a lot more. She still totters and toddles very cutely but the bipedal bit is happening with a lot more confidence. We walk around the shops a lot more. Smidge walks quite a way for a small girl. We did the same thing with Tiny which I think is why he seems to have more stamina than a lot of preschoolers I observe , although said preschoolers seem to have mothers with more to do than me so they get strapped in prams while the mums rush around getting errands done.
Tiny little bit...
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Tiny is at that age where he’s getting curious about bodies and observing fundamental differences about boys and girls, adults and children. Such as;
“Mummy has boobies, I don’t have boobies, Daddy doesn’t have boobies, Smidge doesn’t have boobies, Mummy has BIG boobies!”
“I have a little doodle. Daddy has a big doodle.”
Broken Record!
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Smidge broke her record of 6 steps today by taking 8. 2 of the steps were after she turned a little. She was so pleased with herself she giggled, bounced on the spot which caused her to land on her bum but no matter, she clapped her tin hands together and continued giggling.
3 steps
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Smidge took three steps today! So cutely!
Then flopped over at crawled to daddy whom I had dragged out of bed to come see :)
That top tooth is coming through as well.
And Tiny’s reading and toilet training are progressing slowly (the former a bit faster than the latter and I’d prefer it the other way round :P) but apparently consistantly.
Thank you Wiz making Tiny's day XD
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We went to the footy today. Hung out with mother in law and kids while JJ and his dad went off to the corporate function they had tickets too. We had lunch, walked around the markets, MIL bought Tiny a blue blowup hand, we stopped in a photo studio and got the kids photos taken dressed up, then went to the game.
Photo post
Here comes a Smidge, walking walking...
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Very small small girl stood up yesterday. She’s been able to stand by herself for longer periods of time lately, but only after pulling up on something else. Yesterday she spent 5 minutes standing all by herself while gnawing on a banana with her two chompers.
JJ reckons she’ll be walking soon.
Price of Children and World Breastfeeding Week
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World Breastfeeding Week started yesterday and ends on the 7th. I am still breastfeeding Tiny (2.5) as well as Smidge (9 months).
Also gakked the following from Alternative Baby, from azure who got it off another blog. Thought it was cool.
This is just too good not to pass on; something absolutely positive for a change.I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It’s nice.