Border protection
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A couple of weeks or so ago we received a mailout from Senator Judith Adams, Liberal Senator for Western Australia, Deputy Opposition Whip in the Senate. There is one thing I hate above all else, and that is fearmongering. I am all for intelligent discussion and debate and being exposed to the many facets of a situation so that one can make an informed decision as to which side of the fence they are going to sit on so to speak. I have a rabid hatred of SHOUTING TO MAKE YOUR POINT AND BEING RIGHT BECAUSE YOU SAY IT LOUDER THAN EVERYONE ELSE and abuse of emotive language to drum up a reaction.
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Yep, I’ve taken it over. And it will be around until I’ve managed to kick my sister into designing mine so I can build it…and found a way to copy al the entries over. I need to deal with having been a self righteous twat at one stage, life development! Though honestly I doubt much has changed despite my best efforts.
On housework
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I’m really not surprised the kids haven’t bee wanting to help with the housework lately.
Firstly I’ve been yelling at them almost constantly. Secondly there’s been this pervasive, pointless obsession with “getting shit done” to the point where my lovely husband would much rather force them to watch a video and “get shit done” as quicky as possible because he’s sick of [everything] and keeps repeating the “getting shit done” mantra when I point out that most of the reason kids probably don’t feel so inclined to help with the housework was precisely because they weren’t allowed to and then al of a sudden were forced to rather than growing into it as part of life and how you live in a family unit.
Rejigging flux
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It’s probably a good thing I’m used to constant flux, it has on occasion driven me mad but I think I need it, considering several attempts to have anything above the most basic of basic routines results in more chaos and me actually going mad. Considering the amount of Stuff going on in my head I’ve decided to relegate logging of the banal crap and reminders to do Stuff to djinn (my iPhone, yes it and both my computers and my car have names and personalities) which seems to have left the part of my brain I’m aware of using more room to do some really weird stuff.
Catchup, Tapfish economics, cartography and Lojban
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[this post got a lot of interesting/amusing comments mostly about people apparently annoyed by my decision to use Lojban as the IAL (international auxiliary language) for AEfter Ragnarok - bit sad to lose them]
No posts for a whole year. That might have something to do with being slightly manic with what I calculated was roughly the equivalent of a 24/7/365 on call full time job and two contract/casuals. And I’m only getting paid for one of them, and only if I can find contracts. Sprat and I have gotten down to srs bizness and are now doing design and websites for money, along with the mass plethora of other people doing the same. We’re better than 90% of them ;) I am also still working on AR (formerly referred to as The Comic and then The ComicAnimation, you know, that thing I’ve been plugging at constantly and more or less consistantly for the last 8 years or so). It’s come a long, long way. It’s also because I thought I’d try my hand at this record keeping business. So I (very intermittently) kept records in a Smiggle notebook.
Statues in Kenya
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[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Today Tiny was spinning a tale about a house a bit bigger than ours with olts of people. Then he starrted talking about golden statues. I asked him where, he said “somewhere else”. I said somewhere could be anywhere, could he be more specific?
He said he thinks Kenya. Then asked me where Kenya was.
Individual learning styles
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Again with the attempt to keep up recording. I have a funky silver Smiggle diary which I’m going to be using for homeschooling notes, and if I remember I’ll transpose them on here and point the relatives at it, as well as anyone else who’s interested in homeschooling or unschooling, just on the offchance :)
Slack, busy
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Yes, I haven’t written for ages. No that’s not likely to change :)
Erm. Got me a notebook to see if I can get any better at this recording thing next year, practising while Tiny is kindy aged. Also still working on ze homeschooling site, though that got pushed back again as my sister and I had a couple of jobs drop into our laps (one decent sized).
High stress
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[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Been a very bad parent lately. It’s one of those things. We lost one of our cats to a car (nobody cares what you think, you are not and never will be a good enough driver to be speeding along normal roads) and we bought a new house which we will be moving into in 12 months after settlement. My clandestine operation is still in full swing though I’m feeling a tad stressed seeing as I may need to change plans partway through as I have no idea what the money situation is going to be like, specially seeing as the person I need to email me hasn’t yet.
Homeschooling site revisited
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We dropped in to see my uncle and aunty yesterday (myself, my sister and the kids) to say hi and to return my aunty’s cake board that we’d had forever, and my uncle was giving us advice about the block we’re working on buying and then he asked when Tiny started kindy. I said he would be starting next year if he was going, and he made the comment that he thought Tiny might be ready pretty much now.