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December ProgBlog 1: here we go again

Monday, 19 December 2022 @ 11:03pm
I don’t think I’ve ever had a last month of the year run according to any semblance of a plan and that may or may not have something to do with my persistent delusion that I can somehow continue doing the same thing plus all the extra time consuming things in the same amount of time. Pro-tip: it never works. The end of year display was great, and I had the “brilliant” idea to film the whole thing (I did get permission from the head coach to do it first) and edit them all together.

November ProgBlog

Monday, 28 November 2022 @ 10:25pm
I got a little busy. Some of it was getting overexcited about my notes (which is so far working wonderfully), a lot of it was comp season, some of it was basically being told to upskill because apparently they need me to upskill which I went ahead and did as I had been intending on doing it anyway (just fast forwarded as the plan had been for next year, and hopefully it won’t turn out to have been a waste of money as I may have been shadowbanned), some of it was getting swept up in roleplaying notes (I get really excited about worldbuilding and trying to craft stories around my players’ characters) including the CoD PvP PbP Discord server (very slow because I still need to read books so can’t get 17yo’s Hunter started, and C who got started is taking his sweet time responding, and T and S who are idling on that server haven’t even made characters yet, I don’t think these kids are the best at pbp XD) and a newly created Pokemon server (playfully referred to as Pkmn PvP PbP but is actually called Frontiertown and I have beeen having way too much fun coming up with character names) where I’m attempting to test out a system I wrote (also very slow as none of the three players I have in there have made a character yet).

September Homeschool Miscellany

Friday, 11 November 2022 @ 10:02am
This month was just as action packed as the previous one. There was one more excursion with the parents, extended family and Up Close and Local Tours but minus 17yo (who was feeling a bit run down and decided to play it paranoid) to Bunbury, where we stopped by a little cafe with its own little adorably put together food garden. After that it was off to the Dolphin Discovery Centre.

October ProgBlog #1: potential end to the eternal note slog

Monday, 17 October 2022 @ 12:08pm
Title I should be using if I cared about SEO: one way to use Obsidian to manage creative writing projects. Apologies in advance, I accidentally upsized some of the images in this because I forgot an important character in the mogrify command, and I am too lazy to redo those screenies. A “short” history Once upon a time, I used to be a total pantser. And then I started this project.

August Homeschool Miscellany

Thursday, 6 October 2022 @ 3:35pm
August started off really slow and cruisy and them ramped right up into September. It started with the death of one of 13yo’s fish. He was devastated as it had gotten sick but had looked like it was starting to recover before succumbing. We had a little funeral in the side yard, burying it under the rosemary bush. 17yo had another quarter life crisis (he has had at least one in the last two years) where he decided he needed to “get his life together” and once again asked for organisational tips (he has asked me previously for things that I have already told him about in trying to get them to learn my organisational hacks and how to research and experiment with their own).

September ProgBlog #2: new hair

Tuesday, 27 September 2022 @ 10:18am
Not sure what has been going on with Manjaro or whether it’s just my sense of time that’s been warped, but there seems to have been a longer than usual period between updates. I’ve been waiting for Blender 3.3 for a while as that has the new hair system in it, but Manjaro refused to update. I found out at some point during these shenanigans that the new hair system was actually in 3.

September ProgBlog #1

Monday, 5 September 2022 @ 11:10pm
The completionist in me is somewhat annoyed that I didn’t get the September Powerbee. I must have done it too early in the morning or something stupid like that (I did it around the same time as I usually do but my “around” tends to be an hour or so). Oh well. My parents have been over and seem to have decided to do a lot of tours this time round (probably because an uncle and his family are also over), and invited us out on a number of them.

August ProgBlog #3: particle feathers and hair, oh my

Monday, 22 August 2022 @ 10:40pm
I think I’ve finished the first light and shadow layers for the Eladrin. It went pretty quick, I don’t know how long it actually took as while Toolsday is the day for it, there was a bit going on. I was talking to Sprat about having difficulty with feathers (because I’m trying to do Zara’s head feathers better) and that I didn’t have a feather generator. Then it occurred to me to see if one existed and apparently one does.

June/July Homeschool Miscellany

Wednesday, 17 August 2022 @ 2:18pm
13yo’s kitchen experiments continued, he made sticky date puddings with caramel sauce. Was delicious warm with ice cream. He made two of them because he loves making massive batches of anything for some reason. Worked out alright as I think most if not everyone in the house likes sticky date pudding. There’s been a keen interest in blacksmithing and weaponsmithing and general annoyance that we won’t set up a forge (which he assures us can be done on the cheap and while I’m sure it can, it’s also a fire hazard and we’re in Australia) so he can get into it.

August ProgBlog #2: because I need more projects

Monday, 15 August 2022 @ 11:11pm
I really should stop trying to push to finish things before going to bed because the times that it has worked is probably still in the single digits. I decided to postpone the progblog because I’ve been so out of it I really hadn’t gotten a lot of work done, partly because I just didn’t look at my schedule and partly because I managed to simultaneously not know what day it was and know what day it was because of who had to be where by when.