3d-fyn, now with eyebrows and face morphs!
I’m not convinced my colour map is working. Will have to see when I do other random renders while fixing up the weight maps and seeing if I can work out cloth dynamics on the clothes. And I think I need to darken my hair a little bit. After that all I really need to do is see if I can work out how to get my freckle constellation on my face and I’m calling me done.
Drawing on the Cintiq
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
4yo likes experimenting in all media. Recently I let her have a go with Pixelmator and my Cintiq. This is what she came up with.
Now I have to go to Carousel to get her more paints and a canbus.
What to do when .gitignore doesn't
So. At work we’ve switched from using svn to git (and GitHub).
Difference: decentralised, therefore “commit” commits it to the local repo rather than the remote/centralised one, and you have to “commit” then “push” to the remote.
Problem: .gitignore was not gitignoring some files (settings.php
and .htaccess
which I had to change to make it work on my local) which it was supposed to be gitignoring.
Solution as per RobWilkerson.org:
Do: git status
which should spit up a list of modified files since lasy commit/sync/something (shut up I’m still working git out ;)
Thoughts on DiSo
I’ve had several.
Simultaneously, I’ve had several thoughts on which way this post was going to go. Originally I was going to go along the vein of a blog post from Zauber Paracelsus (which outlines the “nymwars” debacle to the date of that post, people embarking on “Project DeGooglefy” and alternatives to Google services).
Then I was going to do something or other about G+ and Facebook and problems with centralised social networks.
The Mythical Farm of Legend
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Since I first got together with JJ, I have heard stories of the farm which has been in his family for generations (or at least, his grandparents ran it, and it’s now owned and operated by his uncles and their family). It has a name but is just referred to “The Farm”.
For the last seven years, JJ has told me he will take me to “The Farm”. For various reasons, we never quite got there.
What doing
3d-fyn wonders what in the hell is going on and what we’re getting ourselves into :)
I’m quite pleased with how my rig is turning out. Little niggly fine tuning things on the arms, but I (finally, because I iz slow) worked out that I should turn off the heading and pitch channels on the shoulder and use the collarbone to control those, and point the elbow with the shoulder’s bank channel.
Photos from the garden
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
A friend introduced the kids to the My Little Pony remake some time ago and with the starting of this blog post this song stuck in my brain (had no help whatsoever from the kids watching it a few times ;).
So I’m a bit late for “tomorrow spring is here”, we’re about halfway through the first month of spring as humans like to count it. I think spring came a bit earlier than September. As far as I’m concerned it’s spring when the weather and the flowers say it’s spring.
Drupal 7 notes: unsetting formatting tips
Following on from hiding unwanted elements in comment forms, I found this tip on one of the many threads in Drupal of people trying to hide the pesky formatting guidelines and came up with:
function [theme_name]_form_comment_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
$form['comment_body']['#after_build'][] = 'remove_tips';
function remove_tips(&$form)
return $form;
That gets rid of everything but the fieldset container and for the roles that can use multiple text formats, the select box (the “Text format” label can be easily removed with $form['und'][0]['format']['format']['#title'] = '';
in the comment_form_alter
You're doing it wrong
Here was supposed to be yet another whingepost about how I’m doing everything wrong and there is now nothing that I “can” drop. So I’m going to see if I can somehow write myself into doing “it” right.
The computer room is a f***ing mess
There is more crap than there should be on the desk. Most of it is paper that needs to be filed or recycled, and I have just been too damn lazy to process them into the appropriate location.
Saved by the IK Booster again!
This time for the arm rigs.
The “blue” arm is using IK boost. The “red” arm is in default T pose still but is using the original rig which was modified from the leg rig (which works really well so far). The elbow directional on the arm just wasn’t working. I have ikstop on the collarbone and handles on the elbow and hand to make them that bit easier to see and grab. Need to remove the elbowD bone from the right hand rig (it’s the red bone pointing downward), reorganise the bone hierarchy and apply ikboost to that. Then have to associate all the sliders with the hand bones seeing as I won’t be needing the IK goal nulls anymore.