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Life and !schooling in 2012

Sunday, 19 February 2012 @ 12:11am

Apparently there was a bit of a kerfuffle in the moderator department, which meant I completely forgot about the moderation until the new moderator rocked up on my door towards the end of my work period. Oops. Fortunately I work from home and can make up hours easy, and I hadn’t gone out to pick up my shiny new computer yet, though I had gotten dressed to do so. So all she saw was that my place is a mess, which is about normal and I don’t clean up for anyone!

Massive Christmas Island photopost

Sunday, 12 February 2012 @ 10:44pm

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

Everything that happened after the dangers of parking your ship next to a cliff, which I would have posted if my sites hadn’t been playing silly buggers. Everything is okay now, which means I’ll be posting about as much as I was inclined to post before.


Weird looking spider

Playing catchup

Tuesday, 7 February 2012 @ 3:41pm

I am all over the joint! So what else is new.

Now according to the provider the backup malarky was caused by me having a duplicate account on another server, probably from when I got my ssl certificate and needed to be moved to a server that could handle that. The duplicate has been removed and miscellaneous fallout resulting from that dealt with. Unfortunately it means November posts and users from here, Red Planet and WANLN are now completely gone. I can repair the blog thanks to the Artician feed, can’t do anything about lost blog comments or the other two and that makes me very sad.

The dangers of parking your ship next to a cliff

Sunday, 8 January 2012 @ 1:10pm

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

If a storm rolls in unexpectedly (or just unexpectedly fast), it could get battered quite severely.

Ship getting battered into a cliff by waves during a storm

This was taken a bit earlier today by JJ who raced down with his camera as soon as my parents came back from church and informed us that the waves at the Cove were knocking the cargo ship that was in about the place. Rumour has it the storm rolled in quicker than they could move the ship or possibly one of the moorings snapped. Either way there is/was concern for the cantilever (if it breaks, we can’t load phosphate anymore til it’s fixed, and that thing would take ages to rebuild plus has been there forever).

Family themed photos and miscellaneous ramblings

Saturday, 7 January 2012 @ 7:44pm

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

Yesterday, we went out for a drive. Christmas Island isn’t the biggest island in the world, if you point the car’s nose down the road and drive without stopping along any major track you’ll end up back where you started in about half an hour.

We went out in an exploratory mood and took many photos. Of course all the photos JJ took while we were out and about were with Kerchunk and nothing on Snap so there’s nothing I can post. We’ll just have to go out again and take more when the battery charger arrives.

New age, new year, not new resolutions, and photos

Sunday, 1 January 2012 @ 4:28pm

Happy new year everyone! gleki ninyna’anunsla if you speak lojban :)

Somehow, from somewhere, I have this 7 year old.

kids getting ready for cake

The Little Big Boy turned 7. He requested and got a chocolate cake which my mum made. It was very tasty. The “oldies” were commenting on how fast he turned 7. I’m trying to work out how he survived that long ;)

Christmas shenanigans and everything else

Monday, 26 December 2011 @ 4:19pm

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

I’m home! And damn it feels good.

Christmas shenanigans

Christmas Eve: Sprat wanted me to help wrap the last of the presents. I asked if she was sure she wanted MY help. Apparently she was. So we settled down to wrap. First thing I did was accidentally tear the wrapping paper. She then suggested I cut sticky tape as we had run out of tape dispenser tape. I cut a few strips and then broke the sticky tape.

Backup malarky and prelimary theAbysmal scripts

Sunday, 18 December 2011 @ 3:17pm

If this post disappears, it’s entirely my fault as I told the provider that this site could just be rolled back to the last backup (assuming the last backup he had was more recent than the one I had).

What happened with the backups? It’s a long and sordid story.

Actually it’s not that long, just slightly confusing. See the provider does scheduled backups as all decent providers should. But last month and earlier this month something very strange happened. Three of my sites (this one, Red Planet and WANLN) lost a month’s worth of posts. It’s entirely possible the other ones rolled back as well but these ones were the most noticable as they get updated constantly.

Equal rights

Monday, 21 November 2011 @ 12:00am

Earlier today, I got an email from AllOut requesting signatures for this petition (the image from which I’ve stolen).

Russian activists, stolen from AllOut site

Last week I got this email from Getup requesting donations to get a letter by a psychologist to the government run as an ad in a couple of major newspapers.

The week before that, another email from GetUp wanting yet another marriage equality petition signed.

Insects and a gappy boy

Friday, 18 November 2011 @ 12:00am

It’s all happening. The garden is going nuts, we’re going to go through a stage of not having to buy so many veges, and we’re turning into those old people that like pottering around their gardens (though I don’t do much of any garden work as I seem to have a knack for killing plants).

This morning, as we were going around to see how the garden was going (the zuchinni is huge, all zuchinni plants have gotten bigger since the last post), when we encountered this fellow practising kung fu on a mulberry leaf: