AR notes: physical bitboins
Some people have made them. As far as I can tell from an extremely quick skim, they’re all round coins and bills, familiar looking money.
The current block I’m working in uses local currency and bitcoin for a global currency. While contemplating bitcoin and how it gets accepted/exchanged as readily as the local currency of any given area, I wondered if they had a physical version of it. Which then of course had me wondering how cool it would be if they were dice.
Blog updates, or mile long sidebars
I can’t even count in miles.
I was a touch concerned about adding anything else to the sidebar as it’s already quite long. Then I had a look at the sidebars some of my friends and other miscellaneous people have on their blogs and I don’t feel too bad adding a couple of blocks. Then of course there was a mental kerfuffle about folds and whether blocks should be above or below them. I eventually decided to keep “About” up the top as it summarises the silly blog, and drop everything else in under it.
Aquaponics Father's Day Fish Feast
Happy Father’s Day to all the people that do Father’s Day!
We had JJ’s dad, my uncle and one of my cousins over for lunch. My uncle offered to cook the fish so we pulled 6 trout out of the tanks. I’ve been observing that some of them were pretty big when feeding them, and one of the ones that Tao pulled up was quite large.
Sharing is...
…privacy concerning if you’re one of those people that object to things like tracking you around the internet, and not a big deal if you’re not.
It bugs me a little bit (especially as I realised recently that I’d forgotten to mention tracking cookies and scripts etc that would have been coming from the share module I was using in my privacy thing) so in the event it bugs anyone who happens to drop by I’ve replaced the module I was using for sharing with [Social Share Privacy](Social Share Privacy). Anywhere you see +1/Like/Pin/Tweet/etc buttons on a website, it’s set scripts and cookies and things in your browser already (unless you have a Fortified Firefox). What this module does is load the button image for the socnet in question but doesn’t set the cookie or the scripts etc. Your first click will activate the button so it can plant its cookies and scripts and do its little tracking thing. Your second click will launch the sharing thing.
re: patent trolling
Dearest Apple
I hear you’ve won your most recent case against Samsung regarding rounded corners on rectangles. Please forgive me for not jumping up and down in excitement over this little victory, as I happen to think the whole thing was pretty fucking stupid (pardonnez mon français) and a massive waste of time, effort and resources that you could have spent doing stuff like making your existing products better and maybe even inventing something new (or at least a new take on something old).
Homeschooling thought+photo dump
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Because I don’t blog it nearly as often as I should.
7yo’s reading is now well and truly away. He reads everything from street and shop signs that we’re passing to books. His current favourite book is his Pokemon Black & White Handbook that Sprat bought for him. It’s not unusual for him to wander around the house with it, have it open on his lap while watching tv, and sometimes he’ll be multiscreening, watching tv, playing Pokemon White on his DS and have the book open beside him for reference. I’ve known for a while and I think both 7yo and Josh are discovering that he can actually parse what he considers large blocks of text when he wants to.
Pokemon themed sketchdump
The kids watched many Pokemon dvds while we were on Christmas Island. I have a Pokemon fanfic sketched out in my head which I don’t give a lot of time to as it’s a very occasional diversion from working on AR. This is sketch of my OT (that’s “Original Trainer” for those that aren’t versed in Pokemon fanfics) and two of her Eevees; Amber (combining cliches, she is an abnormally large shiny mutant, and female!), and Lightfoot (perfectly normal male). They’re hunting whatever might be good eating probably somewhere in the Kanto region.
Photos from the surprise Christmas Island visit
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Recently, in a mad jumble of chaos and confusion well coordinated and executed attack, my sister and I surprised our parents for their 60th.
I took a bunch of photos but didn’t put them on my laptop due to the constant dramas I’ve been having downloading photos from the camera (keep losing connection, and the closer I get to finishing the import the more it breaks) and also the internet connection on Christmas Island is so agonisingly slow that photos would have taken aeons to upload anyway. So now having gotten back to Perth and back onto my desktop, after struggling with importing 227 photos for the last two hours, I’m going to do one of those big long photo posts that is going to exasperate my sister.
Well laid plans
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
My plans rarely go according to plan. They do usually result in a desirable (and sometimes even the desired) outcome though.
The latest one worked a charm, considering how many factors, unknowns and randoms got involved.
My parents are 60 this year. When we were up for Christmas in December, I made some noises about attempting to come back for the big birthday bash they had planned in the middle of the year if I could scrape the money together.
vi ma le crino lanme ("Where is the Green Sheep?" translated into lojban)
“Where is the Green Sheep” is a picture book by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek. It’s been a favourite for all three kids and it’s pretty easy (repetitive sentences with one-two word variations). In the interests of LOTE
I decided to translate it into lojban for them.
Unfortunately, I completely destroyed the lyrical rhyming thing while doing so.
Happily it seemed like a mostly straightforward task (which means I’m slowly getting better or conversely I fubared it and don’t realise it yet). I can’t find a word for “clown” and I don’t think {sakli} is the right thing to use when describing playground equipment.