!schooling 0000K18c - 0000K25r
Another disorganised week. I did finally acknowledge the fact we don’t do weekends in the traditional sense so dumping that idea. I’m slow but I get there eventually.
- started trigonometry with JJ
- Pokemon card game with a deck he built himself
- Go Fish
- did some very simple letter transposing cyphers
- Pokemon card game
- Go Fish
- Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds
8yo wants to start next year’s program this year, we’re going to start driftingin a thatwayward direction once everything settles down.
The kind of big day one can generally do without
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
All times are estimated :P
4am: 4yo wets the bed for the second morning in a row (yesterday morning it was 5am). I bathe him and strip the sheets and make up half the bed and in the meantime he goes to his bed where JJ is. JJ comes and squeezes into the dry side of the bed with me (tight fit as it’s the equivalent of a single at this point)
AR notes: conscript to go with the conlang
Once upon a time I decided to pick Lojban as AR’s international auxiliary language because it was not Euro-specific and hadn’t been created for someone else’s work of fiction (not that there’s anything wrong with those things, I just wanted something international that was actually “international” and I didn’t want to poach someone else’s conlang that had been done for their thing, but one that was constructed just for fun/to use was okay :P). I was also rather lazy had lots of stuff to think about and Lojban had the easiest alphabet to deal with (ascii which is not exactly “neutral” but is a standard).
Drupal 7 install profile stuff that everyone else magically knows
Seeing as I found little to nothing when searching for how to configure individual role permissions, editor settings and enabling contrib filters with an install profile, I made something on the off-chance it helps some other poor sap like me who doesn’t automagically know where to look for these things.
Enabling filters provided by contrib modules
Search in the .module
files for _filter_info
. Some modules use the same format as Drupal filters of $filters['modulename_filter']
, others don’t. Typogrify doesn’t:
Home ed program 2014
- library
- 2x kung fu
- visit great-grandmother
- music lessons if finances allow
- doco/music video/cooking show (every night)
- 1x Khan Academy
- 1x Reading Eggspress
- 1x written bookwork
- 1x extra any of the above
- 1x roleplaying (followed by session writeup)
- AFL Juniors (1x training, 1x game)
- gym/circus iff finances allow
- 1x Khan Academy
- 1x Reading Eggs
- 1x Maths Seeds
- 1x written bookwork
- 1x roleplaying (followed by session writeup)
- gym
- 1x Reading Eggs
- 1x Maths Seeds
- 1x written bookwork
- 2x optional extra any of the above
- Auskick (1x training, 1x game)
Bookwork is for $5/week pocket money. A bookwork “session” is two pages of a book, one set of exercises in Reading Eggs/Reading Eggspress/Maths Seeds (usually 10 short exercises, with Reading Eggspress it depends on what 8yo chooses to do at the time), one “stack” of problems or one video in Khan Academy. The rules for earning extra have changed, rather than doing extra bookwork the bigs can now embark on a research project of their own choosing. They get an extra $5 for a relatively simple thing like a poster, $10-15 for essays/reports with diagrams, $20 for a fairly detailed book (appropriate to age obviously).
Booklist 2014
- textas
- coloured pencils
- crayons (big ones)
- street chalk
- paint (acrylic, water, if Ru wants oil or something complicated get a small set and keep it out of the way)
- pastels
- oil pastels
- one of those huge arse dangerous sharpeners with a handle that is impossible to lose
- Excel Basic Skills - Spelling and Vocabulary Years 3–4
- Excel Basic Skills - Grammar and Punctuation Years 3–4
- Excel Basic Skills - Comprehension and Written Expression Year 4
- renew Reading Eggs sub
- [Excel Basic Skills - Addition and Subtraction Years 5–6])(http://www.pascalpress.com.au/excel-basic-skills-addition-and-subtraction-years-5-6/)
- Excel Basic Skills - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Years 3–6
- Reading Eggs 5-8
- renew Reading Eggs sub
- renew Maths Seeds sub
- Excel Basic Skills - Working With Numbers Year 2
- Excel Basic Skills - Times Tables 1 Years 2–3
- renew Reading Eggs sub
- Reading Eggs 1-4
- renew Maths Seeds sub
- Maths Seeds 1-4

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
!schooling from whenever til now
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Due to stuff (some it was the parents coming up to visit for a couple of weeks, some is that business has picked up dramatically), I haven’t been keeping track of the homeschooly stuff. Also we’ve been finding better things to do than sitting and doing bookwork, so it’s a really good thing that’s not the core of our homeschooling program (I need to write one of those for next year by the way, and also a booklist). So here’s some photos of things it occurred to me to point a camera at.
Random keys
8yo (watching me touch type): how do you tap random keys and come up with words?

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Freo heave ho...
So once upon a time (not really so very long ago, only a handful of years), JJ’s favourite AFL team the Fremantle Dockers made it into a qualifying final (and then got knocked out). I said that if they ever made it into the finals again, I would do the anchor in my hair.
They’re currently up for a semi.

I wonder if whoever it was got the idea for the Minbari horn crests while waiting for their hair to bleach