Have you tried turning it off and then on again?
This morning, when I crawled out of bed and tackled the morning coffee sites to be followed by 3d work before our busy day commenced, I noticed that my server was slow.
There goes my 3d time again, sigh. Now I would have quickly investigated, if it hadn’t taken FOR FREAKING EVER to log into the server, and I had to leave before it had logged in, and unsurprisingly the pipe had broken and annoyingly the problem hadn’t resolved itself when I was able to tackle it again later in the day.
One 3d App to rule them all
I had Quadrapop over earlier today and she was looking over my shoulder and critting the work I’d done on Red’s hands so far. I am aware the hand is the wrong shape and was planning on fixing that in Lightwave where I have poly modelling tools but after receiving the second degree I got motivated enough to attempt it in Sculptris (after firing up Lightwave and fixing the hands on the base models and putting the legs in Da Vinci pose while I was about it).
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Week has been flat tack.
But today they made potions. Supervised from a distance as today is a work day. Ingredients included a small tub of yoghurt, jellybeans, cordial (even though I told them no food items they could consume directly when they asked if they could make potions ie before they’d had a chance to gather ingredients, they tried to claim they had somehow assembled these things before I’d told them no food items), citric acid, bicarb, vinegar, hippie lice shampoo (contains only eucalyptus and melaleuca oils) and hippie plant-based detergent.
Torso and arms
I had thought maybe I shouldn’t post any more 3d stuff til I got to render stage, but then I optimistically decided that some people might like seeing the build in progress, and those that don’t can just ignore them til there’s something pretty.
So here’s a shot of the mostly completed face with the wireframe turned on so show off how well Sculptris retopos the mesh and the dynamic topography (the dense spots on the arms are accidental touches).
ko sipna
Late night lojban lesson with the stubborn 4yo:
me: Do you remember any lojban? mi prami do
4yo: mi prami do, what does dat mean?
me: it means “I love you”
4yo: mi prami do gives me a cuddle
me: cinba gives him a kiss
4yo: what does dat mean?
me: it means ‘kiss’
4yo: sheen ba! gives me a kiss
me: ko sipna, that means ‘go to sleep!’
He’s still not asleep.
!schooling 0000L06z-13z
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
We had one day where the smalls played Maths Seeds and 8yo found himself a doco about octopi (or at least the bit I saw of it had an octopus glooping through a “maze” of clear plastic pipes) just because it was fun. We had a kerbside collection recently which meant there were a lot of people kerbside collecting, including JJ who picked up an outdoor setting, three tubs, a shelving unit and two working monitors.
What do you want for Christmas
6yo: Mummy what do you want for Christmas?
Me: world peace and everyone to stop shoving their beliefs down everyone else’s throats.
6yo: w…orl…d…pea…ce…world peace I think.
[I look over and realise she’s writing a list]
This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
You know how I said those horns were done...?
Well, the mesh borked so terribly that I figured I would probably spend about as much time fixing it as I would starting over, so I started over.
Well I was wrong.
The last version of the horns took me about 8 months all up. I don’t want to know how long I would have taken to eventually fix the mesh as I know I spent a good week or so experimenting. Starting over this version took me…
!schooling 0000K18c - 0000K25r
Another disorganised week. I did finally acknowledge the fact we don’t do weekends in the traditional sense so dumping that idea. I’m slow but I get there eventually.
- started trigonometry with JJ
- Pokemon card game with a deck he built himself
- Go Fish
- did some very simple letter transposing cyphers
- Pokemon card game
- Go Fish
- Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds
8yo wants to start next year’s program this year, we’re going to start driftingin a thatwayward direction once everything settles down.
The kind of big day one can generally do without
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
All times are estimated :P
4am: 4yo wets the bed for the second morning in a row (yesterday morning it was 5am). I bathe him and strip the sheets and make up half the bed and in the meantime he goes to his bed where JJ is. JJ comes and squeezes into the dry side of the bed with me (tight fit as it’s the equivalent of a single at this point)