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Is this real?

Thursday, 8 May 2014 @ 8:06am

9yo hopped into my bed in the early hours after The Linux Geek left for work. After chilling for a bit he asked me: “Is this real or is this a dream?”

“I think so,” I replied after a moment’s hesitation. “There’s a creation myth, can’t remember whose, maybe one of the Native American tribes, about how the entire universe is the dream of some god and when that god wakes up we’ll all stop existing.”

Mundaring Sculpture Park and Weir

Monday, 5 May 2014 @ 1:11pm

Last time we were out this way was a few years ago for a Truffle Festival. This time round we came out this way on the weekly excursion (which he hadn’t done for a couple of weekends due to some major works including replacing the fence out the front and helping friends lay some cable to a shed) and because 7yo heard there was an art gallery.

We stopped by the “village” to pick up maps and things for 7yo’s collection and she also bought a butterfly spotter’s book and to hit up the bakery for lunch. We took the food to the Sculpture Park and the kids had a play at the playground before we checked out the sculptures, read and followed the track up to where there were some rail switching levers and an amphitheatre. 7yo put a performance on the old platform (now a stage).

Not schooly stuff

Friday, 25 April 2014 @ 1:52pm
i love you in Duplo

Duplo ‘i LOVE U’ by 9yo with a little blue heart in the O

Picture of Hootabella the puppet owl

7yo’s pic of Hootabella, one of the owls from the Giggle and Hoot show on ABC4Kids. She has since added in a magic wand and we will be sending it in to the Giggle Gallery along with one she helped 5yo with


Wednesday, 23 April 2014 @ 2:11pm

me: We’re going to find out how people lived in the 1900s!
7yo: how long ago was that?
me: so long ago not even Great Nanny was born then.
7yo: the Stone Age?
me: …[trying not to laugh]…not that long ago.
7yo: Romans?
me: not that long ago either.
7yo: [thinking]…Tudors?
me: that’s probably closer.

Creepers are the same as TNT

Friday, 18 April 2014 @ 10:29pm

5yo: creepers are the same as TNT just with legs and green and walking.

Duplo tablet stand

Tuesday, 15 April 2014 @ 8:13am

5yo likes to watch mocies on his tablets when he’s eating alone, but sometimes struggles to hold the tablet up with one hand, and often gets told off for gooping up the tablet if he uses both hands to eat for whatever reason (I’ve also tried not allowing him to have the tablet while eating but that doesn’t always work). Yesterday after watching 5yo struggling to eat a bowl of pasta while watching a movie, 9yo built him a tablet stand out of Duplo:

Webmonkey notes - rails command not working after successful rails install

Saturday, 5 April 2014 @ 1:15pm

Latest ruby:

sudo brew update sudo brew install ruby

OSX developer command line tool thingies:

xcode-select --install

Read the EULA and agree if you agree.

Latest sass:

sudo gem install sass -V


sudo gem install rails -V

Why yes I do like to see what’s going on.

Edit ~/.bash_profile to include:

export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1/bin:$PATH

so that the system doesn’t have a cry about Rails not being installed after it just told you it successfully installed it.

Aviation Heritage Museum of WA and Army Museum of WA photo post

Monday, 24 March 2014 @ 10:41pm

On two different weekends, we hit up the Aviation Heritage Museum of WA in Bull Creek and the Army Museum of WA

in Fremantle. I think the boys got more out of those trips than the girl did so next stop might have to be the Perth Museum (she has a special liking for the butterfly corridor) or Art Gallery and I suppose SciTech or the Zoo can also be considerations, somewhere she enjoys at any rate. Both these places are great, the guides are extremely helpful and are often floating not far away and are happy to answer everything about everything.

Drupal 7 notes - forms with file field reloading page without going through form validation

Tuesday, 11 March 2014 @ 1:09pm

I had a problem shortly after setting up ownCloud and Piwik where forms on all of the Drupal sites on my server mysteriously stopped working.

But not all of them, only the ones with a file field. When hitting the submit button on those forms (and it didn’t matter what the form was, the presence of a file field was enough) the form validate wouldn’t trigger, the page would simply reload.


Monday, 10 March 2014 @ 6:50pm

The youngest is officially “school age” because someone in their infinite wisdom decided that Preprimary should be compulsory.

We have graduated from babies and toddlers to all “school aged” kids.

I asked him if he would like to go to school this year seeing as he was old enough. No, he says, “I want to home school.” He pronounced it carefully as two separate words. He pronounces everything carefully, maybe because he knows he stammers if he tries to talk too fast or feels flustered. He has a decent vocabulary for 5, I think, probably because he copies a lot of what comes out of the mouths of his siblings (mostly good, some reminds me that I need to watch how I talk to myself).