Head retopo
Alternate title: my Blender muscles are atrophying -_-
I had a lot of work on the last three weeks and have now slowed down as I put out a call for help a couple of days ago and now waiting on a response. In the meantime I’m slowing down back to normal and getting back into the 3d (no 3d for three weeks make fyn something something). So three weeks ago after stuffing around with the rig I eventually came to the conclusion that the topology around the hips was wrong. After trying and failing to fix it by spinning edges, I decided to just retopo the whole thing because I wasn’t sure about the loops around the face either.
New norcia excursion
I keep forgetting to write about our day trip to New Norcia.
It was one of those things that had been suggested ages ago by mother in law as she had gone to school there and was interested in showing it to the kids (and us, though both JJ and I have been in the area previously, me on a Yr11/12 art camp and him…well he was not quite sober for most of it apparently). This seemed like a nice little local history and anthropology/society and environment type thing (New Norcia is the only monastic town in Australia) and we finally got around to it, in the in-laws massive shiny new Toyota something or other that they’d bought as part of their retirement plans.
If it's relevant then it's ok!
[9yo was carrying on like a pork chop about doing his maths workbook.]
9yo: Do I haaaaaaave toooooo [bleat whine moan etc]
me: It’s on the way to stuff you’ll have to know to be an engineer.
[9yo’s eyes light up]
9yo: Oh in that case it’s okay!
[9yo hits the books]

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Angus Saga
This is my 7yo and her dog Angus (aka “Angillian and “Ningle Nangle Jangaloid” and permutations thereof, don’t ask, I don’t know).

Yesterday (5th of August) at about 7:40pm JJ took both dogs (Angus and my dog Tali) for a walk as he normally does. As he was walking past the Gosnells Football Oval a “stray dog came out of nowhere” and grabbed Angus and started shaking him. The dog was halfway across the road before JJ saw it coming and had grabbed Angus by the time Tali noticed. JJ started screaming at and kicking the dog as hard as he could while Tali bit at back of it. A passer-by pulled over and called the police (who then posted it on their Facebook timeline) and after JJ finally succeeded in driving the dog away, carried Angus to our gate while JJ called Tali (who had broken his collar and was running around naked, fortunately he’s obedient) in. JJ came racing to the door yelling for me and after telling me what happened in one sentence appended “Angus is fucked” and racing off. Our neighbour had come out having heard the commotion and went to the emergency vet with JJ to try to staunch the bleeding.
Three eyes
5yo: Mum when can I play the old Minecraft that we used to play?
me: …? …tomorrow after bookwork.
5yo: Mum when can I have computer?
me: When you can show me that you’re responsible enough to have one.
5yo: When can I have a third eye?
me: …I guess when medicine and technology advance enough.
This was all part of the same conversation.

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
So much dumb things on internet
[5yo is sitting on my lap watching Youtube, he watches a clip I have a very low opinion of]
me: That was really, really dumb.
5yo: There’s so much dumb things on internet!
As he said it in a rather sing-song voice I’m wondering if he is parroting that from somewhere and if so, where :)

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
History overload, and vague career plans
We binged out on history recently. I can’t remember if I mentioned instating a docos-only-before-bookwork rule to stop the kids from gluing themselves to screens and routinely refusing to come do the bookwork, but it’s been working reasonably well. Horrible Histories was the recent favourite, I think they’ve watched every dvd we have now as well as anything on iView at the time, and favourite dvds have been repeated with them singing along. As well as watching Horrible Histories, 9yo has also decided to have me read him the books for bedtime story. We’re also still very slowly working our way through the very thick Ned Kelly book.
Drupal 7 notes - getting a Views block with a pager to remember what page it's on
While building this gallery for this client, I ran into an issue where if you clicked on the next page in the navigation block and selected a project on the second page, when the new project loaded the block would reload back on page 1. The Designer and I thought that pagers really needed to remember what page they were on but as of four years ago it was a feature Views and the core pager didn’t support, so at the bottom of an issue someone else opened up four years ago asking for this to happen some kind soul provided this code:
Semi-rural days
We’ve had a couple of days going semi-rural this week. The first was a picnic at a friend’s 12 acre block in Bullsbrook where a great time was had by all children and I caught an awesome photo of my friends’ kids and pretended to be closer to a master of iPhone camera composition.

Pretended to be closer to a master as it was a very, very quick “whip phone out of pocket aim try to get horizon lines and vague rule of thirds thing happening press button before kids move” kinda photo.
Writing and thoughts on school
From writing and art not really being his “thing”, 9yo recently had a sudden explosion of doing a bit of it without me yelling out that it was bookwork o’clock and him coming and doing some or not as he felt like.
He made a new character which is supposed to be a roleplaying character (though I have already told him I’m not sure how well it would fit into the WoD Changeling system we have but I can usually make things work and if there is a next time maybe it can be after Winter if I ever get my paws on and head around the new version) and spent a couple of days writing notes and a backstory: