7yo: I’m an acrobat Mummy! I was born to acro!

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Unexpected family history and a keyboard
Recently we were at a nephew’s 3rd birthday party. Seeing as we were in the area we followed JJ’s parents back to their place as his dad had said he had a straight razor belonging to his grandfather that JJ might be interested in (seeing as he’s recently gotten into shaving with straight razors).

JJ showing 9yo how to examine razor’s edges. Or something.
Blinded by science
[following a discussion about vampires and zombies and what times they’re active]
5yo: Mum pretend you’re a zombie!
me: I’m too smart to be a zombie.
5yo: Stop blinding me with science!
[not much later]
7yo: I can tell the future! I predict Daddy will be home soon!
me: Will he be wet?
7yo: Maybe a little bit…unless there’s an unexpected thunderstorm.
me: If you can tell the future then it shouldn’t be unexpected!
7yo: I can’t predict thunderstorms!
me: But you can tell the future!
7yo: …now you’re blinding me with science!
me: It’s not science it’s just logic.
9yo: Why is there a giant spiderweb there? It’s really bugging me. Or arachnidding. Or something.

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Yet more retopo

Head and torso retopologising in Blender 2.71
Ended up poly modelling after all as Bsurfaces doesn’t work in Blender 2.71. Least it’s not too horrible with the magnet and the correct “snap to” thing on (it’s a picture of a magnet which is greyed out in the above screenies, next to the picture of the cube with one white face close to the bottom of the screen, don’t ask me the names of anything :). Though by “doesn’t work” it appears that it’s missing some buttons, I have no idea if it would continue working after those buttons were reinstated. I could probably read the code if I tried but otherwise don’t know enough python to hack it and apparently no one else that knows what they’re doing uses it enough to fix it. I guess I’ll look into it if I can find some of this mythological spare time stuff. The face loops are doing my head in. And the head is really dense compared to the torso (trying to console myself it’s because heads tend to be round, torsos just curvy and I have smoothing on so what I’ve got looks smooth enough). I’ll have to see if the face loops actually work when I get around to doing morphs (or shape keys, apparently). Hopefully I should be able to retopo sections if I need to as I really, really don’t want to do the inside of the mouth again (I thought last time would be the last time damnit!).
[overheard from the kitchen]
JJ (to 5yo): Don’t squirt that. Don’t squirt that. STOP GRINNING LIKE THAT YOU’RE GOING TO SQUIRT SOMETHING.

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Homeschool snippets
The mosaic thing got some good use while it was rainy, with 9yo and 7yo both copying patterns from the book and inventing their own:

7yo’s English workbook:

9yo played a “Little League” game at halftime at one of the Perth Demons games. Technically it was the Year 5 GosHawks (what JJ and I have decided to call the Gosnells Hawks) that were supposed to go and play but I don’t know what happened and most of the Year 4 group and three of the Year 5 group ended up going along instead and played against an entire team of Year 5s from Manning. To Nanna’s horror and Pop’s delight the GosHawks ended up in West Perth colours:
I told 7yo and 5yo they would have to wait a couple of hours for a box of frozen raspberries to defrost.
5yo: How much is a couple?
me: Two. Dua. re.
7yo and 5yo: Doo-wop! Doo-wop! Doo-wop!
me: [laughing too hard to correct them]

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Drupal 7 notes - making javascript work in a modal
Or more accurately in my case, making a jquery gallery work inside a modal. I am really bad at javascript so I have no idea if my hackjob is a good way to do anything but it did what I wanted.
What we needed in a recent project was for a gallery view with a thumbnail slider to launch from a gallery index comprising of thumbnails made up fo the first image in a multiupload image field. We used Gallery Formatter (the only one that would show up in the Colorbox Node at all).
Stolen crackers
JJ: Ahh you’ve got some crackers there! 5yo: Freshly stolen from the English!

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License