Homeschooling stuff
We’re reaching the end of the year so it’s been a bit slack on the socially accepted learning front as everyone is a bit tired and over it. There’s been a lot of playing going on and in our usual fashion the 2015 program has already been modified before we could even think about starting it. Instead of doing bookwork every day, we’re alternating with cooking where the kids will choose a recipe, check we have all of the ingredients before commencing (and write out shopping list to be able to do something next session if they really want a thing we don’t have all the ingredients for) and do it themselves from start to finish. I will help with/supervise dangerous things (such as putting things in and out of ovens and anything that requires cooking on stove top) but they are otherwise on their own.
Setting up Wacom Cintiq 12WX on Ubuntu Studio 14.04
And on goes the love/hate relationship with Linux. Setting up my Cintiq is one of the things that makes me really loathe it and want to go jumping back onto my iMac and ignore the possibility of art on Linux forever. My first attempt was an abysmal fail (I blew up Unity and had to spend a bit of time fixing it and it never completely recovered, and due to the nature of the child who owned that particular machine it ended up with Win7 on it). If I didn’t need a Linux server for web dev (which is why I got the laptop) I would have just bought a MacBook.
Blender Adventures Part 5a - quickie expression test
Blender notes - resetting shape key value to basis
To get a point that was moved incorrectly for whatever reason in a shape key and needs to be reset to the “Basis” position, from Adhi on StackExchange:
Use Blend From Shape:
- Select all vertices whose positions you want to reset,
- Execute Blend From Shape, accessible from W, Ctrl-V or Mesh > Vertices menu,
- Set “Basis” as shape key to blend from (by default),
- Set blend factor to the maximum value 1.0 (by default),
- Uncheck Add, so only values from “Basis” will be blended in, effectively reverting all selected vertices’ position.
Kind of wish there was a slightly less arseabout way to do it but a way is better than no way.
Blender Adventures Part 5
Still shape keying. Base is partially amused.

So far I’ve got all of a left eye wink and a half smile. Once I got the left half smile right and figure out where the eyelashes go I’ll mirror those shape keys and then do some really basic expression parts around happy, sad, angry and surprise which generally use the entire face. Then make some phonemes with help from this useful phoneme shape guide someone had thoughtfully thrown at the internet.
Stuff the kids have said recently
7yo (about one of 9yo’s friends): He always chases me when I don’t want to be chased and doesn’t chased me when I do want to be chased! Boys are just like that!
me: It doesn’t get any better as you get older.
9yo (watching the Speed Racer movie): It’s really bad.
me: Why are you watching it then?
9yo: I’m just watching it so I can go “WHAT?!” at it.
Drupal 7 notes - Apache config
- find the directory bits and make sure the /var/www one looks like:
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod headers
Make sure all the site configuration files in /etc/apache2/sites-available
have .conf
on the end (especially if upgrading from previous Apache and it doesn’t seem to be backwards compatible despite what the Linode library says).
Don’t forget to sudo a2ensite all-the-sites.conf
Blender Adventures Part 4
fyn can rig, though I’m sure I’m probably doing it horribly wrong. It’s a combination of rigging techniques learned in Lightwave and playing with the Armature modifier, with one tangent into using bendy bones (single bones with multiple segments) for the spine from the head down and then two bendy bones for neck and spine.

Had to put one more controller in to flex the spine in the right direction. The neck flexes one way (looking downward) fine but will not flex the other way (it’s jaggy in this pose, effects can be seen if you look carefully at the neck), adding another shape to control the flex like I did with the spine didn’t help and neither did my aforementioned tangent into bendy bones.
Home Ed Program and Booklist 2015
It’s that time of year again and I’m doing it all in one post this time round.
10yo (Year 5) next year
9yo has been finding his yr5-6 maths book generally easy but some parts are challenging enough that I am going to keep one year ahead and see how he goes. He’s been pretty much on track with English, most of his challenge seems to be the tedium of writing full sentence answers and a continued reluctance to practise writing though his writing can be neat when he wants it to be. If he starts finding the 5-6 books too easy I’ll bump up to yr7 to see how he goes and back down again if that’s too hard.
More little things
9yo displayed that he does have some organisational skills while we were playing Minecraft and he wandered off and said he had found some mines, then told me the coordinates so I could join him. He had made a book and quill to use as a journal (and would be less likely to misplace seeing as it’s in-game) in which he was writing down the coordinates of our bases and any mines he encountered (which would then be deleted once we’d finished exploring and digging them out).