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Rig test 2

Thursday, 13 August 2015 @ 11:56am

Error riddled but I’m calling it done so I can move along with other things. Like characters and sets and maybe more paintovers. Least my arm rig works which was the purpose of the exercise!

Science birthday party

Thursday, 30 July 2015 @ 11:17am

One of JJ’s friends recently hosted a science themed birthday party for his 7yo, complete with science experiments.

First up was lemon batteries. They had fun poking various pieces of metal into the lemons and then tried to light a small LED from it.

8yo and 6yo with lemon batteries

Unfortunately the lemons didn’ put out enough power to light the LEDs on thi occasion (it had apparently worked when JJ’s friend was testing out suitable experiments for the party). They moved on to the next thing while JJ used a metal coat hanger to skewer some of the lemons into a parallel to see what kind of charge he could get and apparently we’d need quite a lot of lemons to get one small LED to turn on.

ko sipna 2 sequel

Sunday, 19 July 2015 @ 9:51pm

10yo: can I do memrise?
Me: no. Go to sleep.
10yo: por favor?
Me: no. Go to sleep.
10yo: can I go give Daddy a cuddle?
Me: no. Go to sleep.
10yo: por favor?
Me: na go’i ko sipna
6yo: what does that mean?
Me: no. go to sleep!

I wanted to wrangle the permission attitudinal in there but couldn’t recall it off the top of my head. Also needed an .i but eh.

Guinea piglets

Thursday, 9 July 2015 @ 2:14pm
Guinea pigs

This house is more Menagerie than The Menagerie was. Newest additions from left to right: Popcorn, Lucius and Nightshade (which may actually be Knight Shade as I suspect it was named after a Skylander), belonging to 8yo, 10yo and 6yo respectively. We’ve had them for three days so far and they’re settling in slowly. Cats completely do not care about them. Tali has sniffed them both in the cage and in my hand and been great. Angus just wants to bite them. Which then of course stirs Tali up and he wants to play too! Working on that -_-

Perth Zoo, Scitech, a play, Museum of Western Australia and Fremantle Prison

Saturday, 4 July 2015 @ 1:14pm

I’m doing a reasonable job doing everything else and an atrocious job blogging.

Perth Zoo

While visiting relatives:

10yo and 8yo making a coathanger sculpture.  Balancing was hard apparently.

And now what follows is a ridiculous week in which we went to SciTech three times for homeschooling lessons for 10yo and 8yo, a stage play and we also squeezed in a trip to the museum on one of the Scitech days because everyone was in a good mood at the time (I won’t say anything about the trip home from that day).

Blender notes: bone drivers for shape keys

Sunday, 28 June 2015 @ 1:28pm

Set up controller bones (I like them in their own Armature) and make sure the “deform” box in the bone properties panel is unchecked.

Setting up face controller rig for bone drivers in Blender 2.74

find it easier having the entire face moving around with the eye directional controller because I’m weird like that (and also they end up in odd places because of how I have the head controller).

Blender notes: extremely basic hair

Monday, 8 June 2015 @ 2:16pm

When I did the head hair I did a scalp (copy of the…uh…scalp on the top of the head where the hair is growing out of shrunk down to fit just inside the head) with its own material to colour the hair strands because it was the easiest thing to do as the hair strands pick up whatever texture is applied to the geometry. Wasn’t too crazy about the extra geometry but couldn’t work out how everyone else on the planet had done it so crashed around the particle system and node tree til I got something going.

Stage whispers and biggenising

Sunday, 7 June 2015 @ 5:42pm

Earlier today:

JJ: (whispers to 6yo to put a banana into the pancake mix they’re making in the kitchen)
me (yelling from computer room): I can hear you from here.
6yo (stage whispering): Dad stop stage whispering!

Just then:

6yo: Dad can you give me a boost up for the stuff I’m biggenising?
JJ: …you want me to help you make that bigger?
6yo: yes please.

3d-fyn hair progression

Friday, 5 June 2015 @ 11:15pm

I have no idea what I’m doing (despite reading the internet).

I had to redo the hair emitters about a million times because I kept blowing something up (and not knowing what I blew up, but combing strands in Particle Mode is kind of amusing for a while). When I finally got that sorted my first test looked like a polyp colony.

Blender hair polyp colony

When I eventually got something I liked I couldn’t work out how to get the red (which is actually supposed to be bleached but I just grabbed a random high constrasting colour at the time) to just be on the mohawk (probably needed a uv map) and then the fuzz on the side was playing silly buggers.

Clippy pasta

Tuesday, 2 June 2015 @ 11:22pm

[2/06/2015 11:08:56 pm] ryivhnn: Chrome is pretty good about being up to w3c standards so it ignores a lot of the -webkit- stuff
[2/06/2015 11:09:05 pm] ryivhnn: Safari still needs a bit of help though coz it’s special
[2/06/2015 11:10:45 pm] Darqx: it’s just apple
[2/06/2015 11:10:48 pm] Darqx: apple is special
[2/06/2015 11:10:55 pm] Darqx: i am getting so sick of the apple issues at school OTL
[2/06/2015 11:11:42 pm] ryivhnn: LoL
[2/06/2015 11:11:57 pm] Darqx: it’s so annoying
[2/06/2015 11:12:06 pm] ryivhnn: they’ll bring in Clippy soon. just wait.
[2/06/2015 11:12:14 pm] Darqx: it doesnt happen as often after i implemented the logout hook but occassionally still
[2/06/2015 11:12:15 pm] Darqx: omg
[2/06/2015 11:12:17 pm] ryivhnn: “it looks like you’re trying to log out! would you like some help with that?"
[2/06/2015 11:12:26 pm] Darqx: “LOL PYSCHE”
[2/06/2015 11:12:33 pm] Darqx: psychotic clippy
[2/06/2015 11:12:37 pm] ryivhnn: RoFL
[2/06/2015 11:12:50 pm] Darqx: Y O U C A N N E V E R L O G O U T
[2/06/2015 11:13:14 pm] Darqx: suddenly clippy mutliplies all of the screen
[2/06/2015 11:13:37 pm] Darqx: covers up the apple logo so you cant force quit
[2/06/2015 11:13:43 pm] Darqx: the spinning beach ball happens
[2/06/2015 11:13:52 pm] Darqx: you try and shut the computer down
[2/06/2015 11:14:19 pm] Darqx: but every time you turn it back on it’s just your frozen screen with clippy staring at you like @u@
[2/06/2015 11:14:47 pm] Darqx: you’ve tried throwing the computer away but it keeps appearing on your desk the next day
[2/06/2015 11:15:02 pm] Darqx: one night you run over it in your car and bury it in a landfill
[2/06/2015 11:15:03 pm] ryivhnn: bahahahahaha you should write it as a pasta XD
[2/06/2015 11:15:15 pm] Darqx: but then you wake up the next morning AND THERE IT IS, AT THE FOOT OF YOUR BED. CLIPPY. CLIPPY
[2/06/2015 11:15:38 pm] ryivhnn: or just do it your way and have it as an amusing and vaguely horrifying comic
[2/06/2015 11:15:48 pm] Darqx: the next morning they find your dessicated corpse with the words YOU ARE NOW LOGGED OUT written in blood on the wall behind you