December Homeschooling Miscellany
December is always an odd time of year due to having to wind up kids activities, business for the year and organising whatever is going on for Christmas so I rarely have much homeschooly to write about.
The kids had their gymnastics end of year performance, the theme was “Back to the 80s”. Costumes were fantastic, the performances were great and I completely failed at taking any good photos. The Christmas party followed directly afterwards including a visit from Santa.
November Homeschooling Miscellany
Fallen a bit behind on the regular homeschool blogging! I actually started this one in early December but didn’t quite get around to finishing it so here it is now.
We started playing Ingress (we’re Resistance) and have so far discovered a myriad of portals in familiar places and three new parks. One of next year’s goals is to try to go visit a new area at least once a week. We also met up with a bunch of local players at Pioneer Park and they gave us stuff, and 10yo gave one of them a Jarvis virus that he’d managed to pick up from one of the green portals we’d hacked. We’ve been doing a lot more walking as a result which is a nice bonus as we do quite a few activities already.
October Homeschooling Miscellaney 2
Might try to do these as monthly things rather than semi-random ones.
Firstly, we are chick central again. About three clutches with 7-10 chicks in each one. Chappie’s family want some of the naked necks. This was the first lot. Idiot hen had gone next door to brood, kids heard the cheeping and went next door to investigate. Neighbour was astonished as she hadn’t even realised they were there behind the shed, and just as well they’d only hatched that morning as she’d been dogsitting and the dog had left earlier in the day.
Me: oh it’s a cthulu
6yo: a what lu?
Me: cthulu. Can you say cthulu?
6yo: kafulu!
There was a very cute broad grin that accompanied the attempt. Near enough is good enough for now, even I have trouble saying it XD
This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
According to 6yo 2d shapes have “whip” and “lengf” and 3d shapes have “whip, lengf and dep”.
This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Homeschooling miscellany
Another collection of stuff that I usually don’t get around to posting at the time either due to being in the middle of something or because it was a little thing.
3d mega-pidgeot progress
Starting work on my entry for The Great Pokemon Sky Race Collaboration. I need to do another version of 3d-fyn (because the last one blew up while I was fiddling with something, probably the rig, and then I reworked Base’s rig anyway) as well. 3d-fyn will be riding Flashwing (pidgeot from my Pokemon Yellow game) in mega-evolution (I think mega evolutions are kinda dumb really, however mega-pidgeot form is theoretically big enough to carry 3d-fyn otherwise we’d need an enormous pidgeot).
Day trip to Jurien Bay
Do you know how hard it is to do a coast to hills transect with three kids under 12?
Not that hard actually if you go with their interest levels. I would have liked them to observe how the vegetation and soil changed as we went from the eastern outer metro to the coastal part of the Wheatbelt. They were mostly interested in getting to the beach so we just ended up pointing out sand dunes that were covered in vegetation and having quick chats about why the vegetation is important for holding the sand together, and how the soil colour changed from browny-red clay to sand to white sand.
I am a terrible parent.
6yo has actually been 6 for a while. Doing the birthday post got lost in the shuffle partially due to general life busy-ness and mostly because his birthday celebration was quiet and laid back by his choice. We didn’t go anywhere as all he wanted was for his best friend to come over and play Skylanders. He had a couple of friends come over and they all played Skylanders. He apparently wants a Skylanders cake next birthday as we didn’t manage one this time round.
It's all about the camera angle
The poses are exactly the same, just the camera angles are different, and it changes the entire feel of the piece.
I couldn’t decide between the screencaps initially so I polled it. Quadrapop, Chappie and 8yo voted for the first one, Sprat voted the second one and did a massive artistic crit in capital letters when she found out she’d been outvoted. I then lined the second one (I don’t call it inking unless the lines will actually stay on the piece), and because I draw pretty quick when I’m drawing over something I then drew over the second one for the hell of it. Gives me a bit more to think about when choosing camera angles anyway.