February ProgBlog #3: endless frustration with occasional triumph
There’s a bit going on again and it seems like youngest and I have crashed back hard into undesirable old habits (he’s basically refusing to go to bed and staying up as late as possible and needing to incessantly natter at me while I’m trying to work, and I’m just staying up late because I work best at night and can get quite a lot done in a short space of time unlike during the day where I distract at the slightest movement of air especially when it’s on things I hate (like javascript).
Adoptables and breedables nfts
This is a high level outline for a website/system/something to be built on hive utilising nfts and targeting adoptable/breedable artists. Adoptables seem to be a great use-case for NFTs as they’re supposed to be unique and assigned to one owner at any one time and can just slot into the existing nft system hive currently has. This idea extends that to firstly specifically target artists who may only be interested in an art-centric community and secondly to simplify and possibly add a bit of chaotic randomness to the “breedable” system, which as far as I can tell is currently done at each artist’s discretion. I’m throwing it “out there” and hoping someone much smarter than me will be interested enough to pick it up and run with it.
February ProgBlog #2: circliar
February ProgBlog #1: moving at glacial speed
I managed to draw up a rough schedule to try and fit everything in, and am fully prepared to shuffle stuff around. At the moment hive and Duolingo are my biggest time sinks, going well over the hour each I’ve allotted them; hive because it’s hive and there’s a bit going on plus I’m supposed to be moderating a couple of communities and I’m doing a terrible job even looking at them never mind anything else, Duolingo because I was finding it easy so I gave myself a challenge of getting to the next level each time instead of just doing one stack, and then got a thing where it wanted me to use the keyboard instead of the word bank, and I found out the hard way that I’ve been sight reading Chinese and Japanese and haven’t actually associated many sounds with characters.
January Homeschool Miscellany
One of the good things about The Big Reset (although the kids don’t really feel it at the time) is the slow and very limited internet (my parents actually have a quota as they don’t use nearly as much internet as we do or more specifically as the kids do), which means they tend to spend slightly less time on their devices. The boys actually spent a few nights playing chess against each other and JJ, and Sprat taught them how to play a game with a Chinese name somewhat similar to Poker (the similarity that I could pick up being that you had similar collections of cards you could use).
January ProgBlog #3: glassy
The plane managed to land (rather heavily by the sound of things) despite the dubious weather on Christmas Island, and we made it back in the appropriate number of pieces just in time for what sounds like a proper lockdown, it seems.
Seriously though why do people insist on hoarding toilet paper.
Well, one week extra planning I guess, and I have to reschedule two appointments. The extra planning time will be helpful as I will probably need to actually have a work schedule again so I can learn the nonsense I need to figure out this hive front end silliness.
January ProgBlog #2: building bigger
As soon as Protective 3 had gone into cooldown, I started work on Acaedia, using Red and Zip to help with sizing.
The Flyers (especially Dragonkin!) take up a lot of space and need a lot of space.

I’m starting with the Royals’ apartment which is in the central tower. Each of the squares is 10x10m, the walls are 5m high.
January ProgBlog #1: super-LATE-ive somewhat new
Oof I haven’t done a progblog since the beginning of December and that wasn’t even a progblog, it was a noprogblog x_x
So surprise surprise, the MacBook Air struggles with the kind of work I do. I had to keep toggling the particle hair on and off in Blender because adjusting things on my big rig was making that thing complain (it’s an i7 something or other with 32Gb of ram), the small rig was unusably laggy with the particles on.
December Homeschool Miscellany
I usually don’t do December and January unless interesting things happen as December is usually write-off month (too many end of year things happening for anything to be effectively planned and even if it could be planned we’d be exhausted as normally around the end of year things we just want to chill) and January is planning month (because my organisational skills are that atrocious that I need an entire month to plan).
August/September/November Homeschool Miscellany
I thought I’d already done August Homeschool Miscellany but apparently I’d done July and collected photos for August but not actually written the post. Oops. So everything ended up getting grouped as I’ve been struggling this year.
It’s no accident that October was left out, apparently we didn’t do anything that I could include.
Goolugatup Heathcote Museum
We initially heard that there was a museum in the building of the Heathcote Cultural Precinct when we attended a relative’s birthday party there. The precinct was a mental institution in the 1920s for mildly afflicted people and was one of the pioneering ones that broke away from the methods that seem to result in buildings being haunted.