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July Progblog #3: passing go

posted on: Monday, 22 July 2024 @ 9:57pm in

I am fighting an epic battle for my life against my overwhelming desire to scrap this and try again because the topology isn’t quite right and I’m getting lumps when sculpting.

retopologising Red's horns in Blender 4.2
I did actually have a very quick go at redoing it earlier with edge modelling rather than extrusion and ended up with a similar-but-different thing with a different problem that I couldn’t resolve so I came back to this one because while the topology of the other one was better this one was quicker and I couldn’t figure out how to resolve the problem that cropped up with the other one

It looks and sculpts/adjusts fine with multires so it will work fine.


This is about as good as I’m going to get with this travesty.

Red's completed base form horns in Blender 4.2

It will be fine once I start sculpting.

this is late because I realised it was after midnight when I finished so I figured I’d post this morning and of course have been flat out since