June ProgBlog #3: closing
posted on: Sunday, 16 June 2024 @ 11:08pm inClosing meshes is on the long list of things I hate.
Okay I don’t actually feel strongly enough to hate it, but it is annoying when things don’t just close nicely.
The last membrane and finger went pretty quickly and smoothly, which somewhat made up for the super late start caused by house discussions. At least I was able to get some work done, we had been going to turn the power out so that some cabling could safely go into the roof.

Then there was the epic battle to get the thumb lopo going and close the mesh. As per usual I hate it.

The back wasn’t any better, having more polygons didn’t help that much, in fact it may have made it worse. Initially I completely lost the loop on that side because it actually matched up too nicely just for a change (why this can’t happen where I need it is beyond me). Eventually I forced the loop and yep hate it.

On the bright side the wing hands don’t move nearly as much as the arm hands so it will probably be alright?
Once that thumb is done I can weld the section (the whole lot contains wings and tail as the wings went that far down the back I figured I may as well) onto the base model and then pull out the horn crest and check the uv maps and then weld some boobs on to make the female model.
And then I need to figure out how I’m going to do horns.
On the blog-in-progress side of things, I’ve vertically stacked the blocks (and unhooked the tag cloud) on 1440 or lower and am working on trying to understand some of the examples of css sliding menu I’ve found. It’s ugly but at least should now be readable and not crunch up on smaller screens.

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