September ProgBlog #3: retopo home stretch 2 the sequel
posted on: Sunday, 20 September 2020 @ 8:21pm inIn the spirit of failing to do more in the same amount of time, I ended up having to clean out the art cupboard (a job I’ve been studiously avoiding for the last 5 years, I also bought a cube shelf for it that fits a bit more perfectly than I thought it would) and will over the next week or so probably have to sort out the rest of the crap that I’ve been putting off and should have probably done during covid except that I took the opportunity to go hard on this thing instead.
On the bright side the art cupboard looks organised now and I can’t even share photos because trying to get photos off my phone is apparently incredibly difficult for linux.
ANYWAY. It’s just more reasons I haven’t got nearly as much prog to blog as I want. I really wanted to have finished by now and be on to testing the model out (and simultaneously working the kinks out of the Dragonkin rig as why fail at one thing at a time when you can munt several, but I’m very slowly doing the fingertips.

Because I’m a sucker for punishment I would usually just do each one individually and eyeball to try to make sure I’m doing roughly the same thing on each finger. I used contour with the same settings on each finger (8 sections from memory) they’re all now doing the same thing, so I decided to copy/paste the index fingertip onto the remaining fingers, weld them on and adjust.
It’s probably taking me about as long to do that as it would have to draw them out again -_-
On the bright side the hand somehow magically connected up with the wrist with possibly decent topology despite the fact I stopped at the wrist, jumped to doing the fingers and then kind of made them meet up in the middle.
I’m pretty happy that unexpectedly worked out as usually I’m having to make more loop cuts or do some weird joins to try to make things join up and am generally pretty unhappy with my wireframes. Wonder if I can fluke again when I get around to fixing Zara.
And here’s what we’re currently looking like in object mode with subdivision:

Might need to do a bit more shape fixing after baking the texture maps too. But rig test first, after finishing this up. Theoretically the legs and feet should be easier seeing as they’re not nearly as dextrous so hopefully they’ll go quicker once I get to them.

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License