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July Homeschool Miscellany Breakdown into Educationese

posted on: Wednesday, 19 August 2020 @ 11:30pm in

I wrote July HS Misc pretty late at night and completely forgot I had told @bearone I would do this one (which is “the next one” from my last one XD) with explanations as to how our crazy shenanigans can translate into stuff to soothe the Education Department. Was going to edit the original post but it got a bit messy and I started rewriting the entire thing so thought it might be somewhat safer to do a “companion” type post. And I’ll be somewhat recycling the photos from that post (though I think I’ll just screenie the sets to make my life easier), so watch out for the fake wounds again.

Homeschoolers in Australia are supposed to either follow the Australian Curriculum or demonstrate how whatever curriculum they choose to follow/program that they made up is equivalent. Homeschoolers are technically on IEPs (Individualised Education Programs) so I don’t know (or care in the slightest) what “year level” we’re working at most of the time as we’ll introduce things if they’re relevant at the time or because we’re going on excursion and investigate things people are interested in at the time.

There are some new things in “general capabilities” that I don’t remember being there last time I looked (in fairness it’s been a while since I looked) but it still looks like stuff that would be covered by going about life.

kids raiding aquaponics

I think I still tag the garden stuff “horticulture” or “permaculture” because horticulture was a subject I did in high school back home. It doesn’t seem to be a subject anymore but a lot of schools now seem to have vege gardens and chickens too.

ActivitySubject areas covered
caring for vegetables in aquaponics and vege beds (and eating said vegetables)Health and physical education
Science (biology, probably physics as there is a pump in one tank, siphons between all four tanks to keep the water level and pipes throughout all the grow beds moving water around)
Technologies (the manual arts stuff will probably cover occ health and safety hopefully, also we assembled the aquaponics)
learning which season and which bed to plant which vegetables inScience (biology)
caring for chickens and knowing when they're on and off the layScience (biology)
Technologies maybe (because it apparently covers food production)
Screenshot 20200818 230313
ActivitySubject areas covered
BarbequeHealth and physical education
Kick to kickHealth and physical education
Exploring the areaHealth and physical education (walkies!)
Science (biology)
HASS (geography)
Video editing (13yo taking the work anywhere thing seriously)Art (media arts)
Screenshot 20200819 230714
ActivitySubject areas covered
Fake woundsArts (visual art)
Technologies maybe (design and tech blathers about solving problems)

more cake

ActivitySubject areas covered
Baking cakeScience (chemistry, all cooking is chemistry)
Maths (lots of measuring ingredients)
English (reading and following recipe)
Critical and creative thinking applied from general capabilities having to come up with alternative icing after misreading icing instructions in the first case and when one of the tiers didn't rise in the second case
Art (probably with the presentation)
ActivitySubject areas covered
DrawingArt (visual art)

Clear as mud? I can keep doing these breakdowns in future posts (in which case I’ll try to remember to do it in the actual post instead of in a stupid addendum like this one) if it helps people, otherwise you can always ask :)