October ProgBlog #3: momentary confusion
posted on: Friday, 12 October 2018 @ 9:55pm inI did the other two progblogs pretty much back to back and managed to forget that and thought I was doing 2 now but apparently I’m up to 3, getting old in my old age and a bit more sleep wouldn’t be remiss either.
I still have a process/progress video for Embers but I’ve decided I’m way too lazy to edit it and just need to finish Embers because it’s already November next month and while I would love to make a tiny bit more steem for hayrunners I also want to progress all the other stuff (including the stuff I’m “supposed” to be doing! XD) and end of year stuff is ramping up so things are going to get busier soon. Fortunately the gymnastics end of year display didn’t clash with the dance end of year concert!
I would like to say I divided time evenly between Embers and Dance evenly but I spent a lot more time on Dance, if I had divided the time evenly Embers would probably be finished. Today was a bit of a crazy day so I ended up concentrating more on Embers as 2d requires a lot less concentration than 3d, and after a few moments of AAARGH THIS ISN’T WORKING it started working. I’ve done shadow 2 and am currently partway through light 2:

I gave Patreons a preview of how Dance was going a bit ago (whenever I did it, maybe last week? I can’t remember DX), I’ve gotten a bit further along since and up to this:
Please excuse the sliding in the background, obviously I haven’t animated the movement for that one yet XD Probably need to do one more spin to get Rei into the corner, although I’m also thinking about doing a lift in that area before Zara (who will be cartwheeling rather than sliding stiffly along) launches off on the tumbling run.
My current plan is to have Embers finished hopefully by the end of the week and then focusing on building all the things I need for AER, continuing to work on Dance and possibly other shorts and stills as things progress as motivational deviations, which will get done when they get done.

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