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November Homeschool Miscellany

posted on: Monday, 26 December 2016 @ 10:29pm in

We haven’t really made good use of our zoo passes this year. Hopefully this will be remedied next year. 10yo stole my phone to take a number of photos of things she considered cute and as we ventured into the Asian rainforest to see the Komodo dragon and the red panda it reminded me that there are a few sections we don’t get to very often and we should probably make the effort to go into them.

Kids looking at lizard looking back, Perth Zoo, Western Australia
Little Penguin being fed at Perth Zoo, Western Australia
Red panda at Perth Zoo, Western Australia
11yo watching elephant and docent playing at Perth Zoo, Western Australia

The boys had their level 2 badge tests a couple of days later. 10yo stole the phone again and took more videos than photos.

Boys on bar at level 2 gymnastics badge test

Both passed (I knew 11yo would, the coach and I were a bit concerned about 7yo but he shaped up). They did pretty well in the mini comp. 11yo got two firsts, three seconds, one third and the silver all-rounder, 7yo got one second, three thirds, two fourths and the bronze all-rounder. Unlike in the girls and level 1 boys mini-comps where they pick top 8 it was really easy for the boys to place as there were only four of them. I can’t remember what they got for what, I was being too happy that 7yo had passed. Be interesting to see how he goes in level 3 next year as while he really enjoys gymnastics he has the attention span of a gnat and it’s 2x2hr classes next year.

There was a supermoon on so we tried to set up the telescope to get a look at it but at the time couldn’t get the telescope low enough and we didn’t feel like staying up and going out again to be eaten alive by mosquitoes when it would be higher and probably easier to look at. The kids did get a lesson on how to aim the telescope from JJ and discussions about the moon happened.

10yo has been looking up Youtube videos and making her own beauty products. The latest experiment was dying her hair with food colouring. We tried red as red stays in my hair really well so we figured it would stay in hers. She followed someone else’s recipe involving red food colouring and conditioner and sat out in the sun for a while letting it dry and set before wrapping her hair in a plastic bag to try to set the stains.

10yo attempting to dye hair with home-made dye

Unfortunately it didn’t work and all that got stained was her scalp, the “dye” washed right out of her hair.

Ever since he discovered that weapons are part of history, 7yo has been on a massive history binge and has been getting junior non-fiction history books to get read to him at night. He’s still struggling a little bit with reading but we’re getting there, especially as JJ has started playing Magic: The Gathering regularly with the boys again (he would play with 10yo but she rarely wants to play these days).

Not much got done this month as there was a lot of stuff going down and we tend to wind down in November, do not much in December and a lot of planning and groundwork for the year in January before getting back into things, so everything is going as expected.