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April Homeschooling Miscellany

posted on: Thursday, 23 June 2016 @ 10:39pm in

Artificial rock climbing at the PCYC fundraiser. Didn’t get a lot of photos as we got rained out!

11yo went to a birthday party for one of his team mates and won a dancing competition not because he’s any good at dancing but because he was full of confidence and energetically went at it where a lot of his friends were too scared to even get on the floor.

11yo with his prize from the dance competition - a Hungry Jack's voucher

He got a Hungry Jack’ voucher which was utilised the next time Nanna came over and took them out for lunch. There was a walk on one of JJ’s favourite walks out to the quarry. This was the last one for a while as the kids are not as appreciative of the scenery as we are. They collected a few more interesting rocks but once again failed to label them.

Due to both of us forgetting the date, sister in law and I decided it would be awesome to meet up at the zoo. During school holidays. We realised our error as we were struggling to find parking, but alternate plans were shot down by her 3yo having a screaming fit when he found out that we were considering the travesty of not going to the zoo. The line took forever:

Excessive line at Perth Zoo during school holidays

Reminds me why we don’t go out during school holidays and makes me really glad that we homeschool and usually go during the day where there’s a lot less people to deal with, especially as 7yo does not cope with crowds. He did try very hard to behave himself. As the container in the above photo suggests, there were dinosaurs at the zoo along with the normal critters.

The bigs read the signs to the smalls (or about as much of the signs as the smalls would listen to). Dinosaurs are still 7yo’s most favourite things. Fun was generally had though the bigs got upset because we had to leave so 11yo could get to footy training and they didn’t have time to see the animals they wanted to see (9yo wanted to see a Komodo dragon and 11yo wanted to see a dingo) whereas 7yo and 4yo cousin got to.

The kids made birthday cards for my aunty (their great aunty) whom we visit weekly.

April was capped off with a lovely bushwalk at Ellis Brook. There were a lot of xanthorrhoeas and informational signs which 11yo stopped to read. There was some conservation about the plants and animals and the general geography but most of it seemed to be centred on the different kinds of rocks the kids found in each section of the walk.