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It's all about the camera angle

posted on: Friday, 25 September 2015 @ 10:05am in

The poses are exactly the same, just the camera angles are different, and it changes the entire feel of the piece.

bmfm/ar comparison/concepts - Zara and Starzone
ar/bmfm character concept/comparison: Zara and Starzone again

I couldn’t decide between the screencaps initially so I polled it. Quadrapop, Chappie and 8yo voted for the first one, Sprat voted the second one and did a massive artistic crit in capital letters when she found out she’d been outvoted. I then lined the second one (I don’t call it inking unless the lines will actually stay on the piece), and because I draw pretty quick when I’m drawing over something I then drew over the second one for the hell of it. Gives me a bit more to think about when choosing camera angles anyway.

I’ll be colouring the first one after correcting the dragon tattoo (tail is on the wrong side of the arm), may colour the second one later on down the track when I need something a bit mindless to do. In the meantime I still have websites to finish and more concepts/comparisons to do, and a lot more feathering.