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3d-fyn work in progress shots

posted on: Friday, 29 May 2015 @ 11:25pm in

When I’m not finding UV mapping agonisingly quirky, I’m being frustrated by Blender’s borderline unusable viewport lagginess at 2.2M polys. There is some progress being made. UV mapping was interesting as I couldn’t figure out how to project onto part of a mesh like I’ve done previously in Lightwave so I ended up mapping the entire object om question. For the shirt I just painted the whole thing and ued minimal nodes for colour and bump maps. For the tattoos and face markings I stuffed around a hell of a lot with the skin shader and eventually got them on there but it now means I have blue freckles instead of dark brown.

3d-fyn showing uv mapped shirt and blue freckles (oops)
UV mapped tattoo

Was showing the model to my neighbour when he came over and he told me to get some hair on as it was freaking him out. Perhaps I should shave my head. Took me a stupidly long time to do such a simple looking thing, trying to console myself with blaming the learning curves.

Including the node tree in case I’m too lazy to look it up in the model again.

Blender node tree for really basic skin shader with tattoos